Workforce Development System

Understanding the Workforce Development System, Identifying and Working with Individuals with Disabilities and Physical, Program and Communication Accessibility

  1. Understanding the Workforce Development System
    Download: Workforce_Dev_System.ppt (PowerPoint presentation)
  2. Workforce Investment Act: Plain English Version
    Download: WIA_Act_Plain_English.doc
  3. Seven Key Principles of the Workforce Investment Act
    Download: seven_wia_principles.doc
  4. Mandatory and Permissive Partners in the WIA System
    Download: OneStop_Partners.pdf
  5. Policy Checkpoints: A Tool for Ensuring Meaningful Access, Participation, and Success at Local One-Stops
    Download: PolicyChallenges.doc
  6. Training and Employment Information Notice (TEIN) No. 25-99: Technical Assistance Available to the Workforce Investment System from Regional Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs) on Serving Customers with Disabilities
    Download: DBTAC_TEIN.doc
  7. Workforce Development Resources
    Download: WIA_info_tools.doc
  8. Identifying and Working with Individuals with Disabilities in a One-Stop Environment
    Download: Working_with_Disabilities.ppt
  9. Navigator Case Studies
    Download: Nav_Case_Studies_2nd_ed.doc
  10. Person Centered Planning Questions
    Download: person_centered_planning.doc
  11. Identifying and Working with Individuals with Disabilities Resources
    Download: Working_Ind_with_Disab_Res.doc
  12. ODEP Job Accommodations Network - JAN
    Download: Job_Accommodation_Network.ppt (PowerPoint presentation)
  13. Physical, Program and Communication Accessibility. Lessons Learned from Department of Labor Grantees
    Download: Accessibility_Intro.doc
  14. WIG Workgroup: NMONE Presentation on IT in One-Stop Centers
    Download: NMONE_WIG_IT_Workgroup.doc
  15. NMONE Program: One-Stop Career Center Checklist
    Download: OneStop_Consumer_Checklist.doc
  16. New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: ADA Accessibility Guidelines Specifications
    Download: Ergo_ADA_Access_in_Fac.doc
  17. New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitiation: Technology Resources for Facility Area Accessibility Questionnaire
    Download: Fac_Access_Questionaire.doc
  18. NMONE DVR: Universal Accessibility Policy
    Download: Universal_Access_Policy.doc
  19. Illinois Round I and II Work Incentive Grant: Working Group Discussion on Assistive Technology Purchases for One-Stops
    Download: IL_IT_Workgroup.doc
  20. Illinois Round II Work Incentive Grant: Accessible One-Stops: Marketing and Outreach
    Download: Mark_Out_RFP.doc
  21. One-Stop Center Consumer Evaluation Tool
    Download: OneStop_Consume_Eval_Tool.doc
  22. California Access Compliance Reference Manual
    Download: Access_Compliance_Manual.doc
  23. Web-Based Course: At Your Service: Welcoming Customers with Disabilities
    Download: At_Your_Service.doc
  24. WIA Section188 Disability Checklist
    Download: DOL_188_CHECKLIST.doc
  25. Policy Brief: Using the Emerging Disability Policy Framework to Create a Fully Inclusive Twenty First Century Workforce Investment System
    Download: BS_EDPF_inclusive_onestops.doc
  26. Denise Sudell, U.S. Department of Labor/Civil Rights Center
    Download: Denise_Sudell_bio.doc