Research mission
The research mission of the Center is to examine the ways in which law, policy, and practices impact a range of employment opportunities for Americans with disabilities.
Students and professionals from various disciplines conduct research on federal and state issues related to law, health policy, and disabilities through the following activities:
- Provide training to develop or enhance skills in legal and social science research methodology.
- Conduct research on a variety of issues related to law, health policy, and disabilities.
- Enhance participants' ability to review and disseminate scholarly information.
- Examine the effects of federal and state policy (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program, and the Workforce Investment Act) on the employment of persons with disabilities.
- Design and evaluate distance learning programs for research design, data collection, and outcome dissemination.
Examples of research and service-based activities at the Center include the following:
- Participation in a national five-year project to establish and maintain a Rehabilitation and Research Training Center (RRTC) on workforce investment and employment policy for persons with disabilities.
- Study of self-employment and entrepreneurial activities of people with disabilities.
- Study of the "High School/High Tech Program at the state and national levels.