Mead, Robert A.
(Spring 2006).
St. Rita's and Lost Causes: Improving Nursing Home Emergency Preparedness.
Marquette's Elder Advisor.
Marquette University.
Vol. 7,
Pp. 153.
The article examines recent nursing home tragedies caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita as caused by non-evacuations and problematic evacuations. The article also details the federal regulations requiring nursing homes to develop emergency preparedness and evacuation plans.
(Available via licensed database.)
(No author).
Effective Emergency Preparedness Planning: Addressing the Needs of Employees with Disabilities.
U.S. Department of Labor: Office of Disability Employment Policy.
The web page is directed towards employees with disabilities and their employers. It discusses the legal and general considerations of having employees with disabilities. It gives a checklist for employees of guidelines and plans that need to be in place in order to ensure their safety of their employees.
(No author).
Strategies in Emergency-Preparedness for Transportation- Dependent Populations.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
This document provides an overview of the importance of planning for transportation for persons who need assistance during an emergency. It discusses specific measures that communities have used to ensure the transportation is provided, as well as uncovering what still remains to be accomplished in terms of improving transportating for these dependent populations.
(No author).
Transportation and Emergency Preparedness Checklist.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
This is a transportation and emergency preparedness checklist that was developed after a conference on the Coordination of Human Service Transportation. It is specific to people who have mobility impairments.
(No author).
Fact Sheet National Preparedness Month 2006.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The web page stateswhat the Department of Homeland Security is doing in respect of the National Preparedness Month. The web pape says that activities throughout the nation will give people the chance to learn more about emergency preparedness, make a family emergency plan, be informed about different threats, create an emergency supply kit, and get involved in preparing their communities.
(No author).
The Needs of People with Psychiatric Disabilities During and After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Position Paper and Recommendations.
National Council on Disability.
In Fall of 2005, the destructive forces of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita wreaked an emotional as well as a physical toll on residents of the Gulf Coast region. Millions of Americans from across the country reached out to hurricane survivors, opening their homes and their hearts. Government employees at local, state and federal levels worked long and hard to help evacuate and rescue people in the Gulf Coast. Many of these people are still in the Gulf Coast helping to rebuild communities. In the months since the hurricanes devastated the Gulf Coast, media coverage of the hurricane survivors has waned. However, for hurricane survivors with psychiatric disabilities, the hurricanes’ destruction resulted in “trauma that didn’t last 24 hours, then go away. ... It goes on and on.” Some of these challenges were unavoidable. As one government official said, “No one ever planned for ‘what happens when your social service infrastructure is completely wiped out.’” Nonetheless, many of the problems could have been avoided with proper planning. As NCD predicted in its April 2005 report, Saving Lives: Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Planning, “[i]f planning does not embrace the value that everyone should survive, they will not.” As a result of its research, NCD found that much pre-Katrina disaster planning did not contemplate the needs of people with psychiatric disabilities, and as a result, many people died or unnecessarily suffered severely traumatic experiences. This paper includes the following major findings and recommendations, as well as various specific recommendations for emergency management officials and policymakers at the local, state and federal levels.
Barkoff, Eva Jacob.
Aging council drawing up plans for evacuation.
New Orleans Times-Picayune.
(No author).
Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Federal Emergency Management Agency.
This is FEMA's emergency planning guide for individuals with disabilities. It discusses self-assessment, creating an emergency kit, being informed, making transporation and evacuation plans, as well as a disaster checklist.
June Kailes, Hilary Hilary Styron and Elizabeth Davis.
Making Lessons Documented-Real!-Integrating Disability Issues into Instructors' Toolkits.
These are the slides from a powerpoint presentation about the impact of Hurricane Katrina on people with special needs. The powerpoint gives a definition of who people with special needs are, including a list of transportation, communication, and medical needs. The powerpoint also includes pictures from the Gulf Coast area.
Valerie Faciane.
Agency offers services to aid elders, disabled; Pilot state program grew after Katrina.
New Orleans Times-Picayune.
(No author).
Continuing Progress: A 1 Year Update on Hurricane Recovery and Rebuilding.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Office of the Secretary.
The paper gives a one-year update on the recovery and rebuilding process in the Gulf Coast Area. The paper discusses the rebuilding of communities including housing needs, discusses repairing and strengthening infrastructure, rebuilding the economy, providing healthcare, as well as still providing immediate relief and rescue. The paper is not specific to people with disabilities, but it does mention how efforts are focusing on finding housing and getting health care for people with disabilities, as well as including them in future emergency planning.
Perry , Michael; Dulio, Adrianne Artiga, Samantha Shartzer, Adele and Roussea, David.
Voices of the Storm: Health Experience of Low-Income Katrina Survivors.
Kaiser Family Foundation.
This is a report that details the experience of people displaced by Hurricane Katrina, including people with disabilities. It also includes a section on lessons learned during the hurricane.
(No author).
Disaster Preparedness: Limitations in federal Evacuations Assistance for Health Facilities Should be Addressed.
Government Accountability Office.
This report outlines findings about evacuating "patients" in nursing homes. GAO found that facilities took steps to ensure that the facilities had needed resources, but had problems with transportation with respect to evacuation. There was some competition w/ transportation companies, though one had been secured beforehand. Some nursing homes were unable to communicate with local emergency managers. Thus, GAO recommends that DHS clearly delineate (1) how the federal government will assist state and local governments with the transportation of patients and residents of hospitals and nursing homes, and (2) how to address the needs of nursing home residents during evacuations.
(No author).
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Coordination Between FEMA and the Red Cross Should be Improved for the 2006 Hurricane Season.
Government Accountability Office.
The report discusses how FEMA and the Red Cross can coordinate more effectively during a hurricane season. There were breakdowns in communication and disagreements about crucial elements. The GAO recommends that (1) FEMA work with the Red Cross to reach agreement on 2006 hurricane season operating procedures, (2) the Red Cross implement staffing strategies that would improve working relationships and retention of institutional knowledge, and (3) that FEMA obtain the Red Cross' input when developing its resource tracking system.
Mattingly, Diane.
As Hurricane Season Begins, Katrina's Lessons Put to Work.
Washington Post.
The first hurricane of the 2006 season will be named Alberto, followed by Beryl and Chris. But any of the assigned hurricane names for this season could become known for devastation and despair, as Katrina did last year. That hurricane, which ravaged the Gulf Coast, has helped shape the way Fairfax County "does" emergency management and preparedness. "Following Katrina, we gave a 21/2-hour state of readiness presentation and report to the Board of Supervisors," said Doug Bass, emergency management coordinator for Fairfax County. Bass said, however, that lessons can be learned from all storms. "We saw a wakeup call with Hurricane Isabel. We lost power and water to a significant portion of Fairfax County for almost 24 hours," he said. That's when officials realized the importance of partnering with organizations such as utilities that provide services to the public. "We have to make sure our emergency plans and procedures support their emergency plans and procedures," Bass said. He said Fairfax County also has realized the importance of emergency planning for those with special needs. "We've started a volunteer registry where people with special needs or caregivers can go and register so that they're on our radar screen," he said. Another important lesson, he said, is the need to make arrangements for pets. "Before Katrina there was this mentality that people would be able to disassociate themselves from their pets," Bass said. "Eighty percent of people surveyed said they wouldn't leave unless their animals were taken care of." Hygiene issues might necessitate sheltering pets in one part of a building and owners in another. "But at least they would know their pets are being cared for," he said. In Bass's 30-year tenure as a public safety administrator and in the 11 hurricanes he's dealt with, he said he has seen people sit in cars with their animals rather than go into shelters because they couldn't take their pets. Another lesson, he said, is communication. Starting July 1, a new county watch center will make sure information is shared with residents and with federal and state agencies. The new WebEOC data-sharing program is funded by grants from the Office of Homeland Security. During the recent Rolling Thunder motorcycle event on the Mall, the data-sharing program allowed jurisdictions to post and share information and see images in real time. In the past, a scramble of phone calls was needed to share information. According to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, the 2006 hurricane season is expected to produce 17 named storms, including 14 hurricanes, five of them intense. In addition, the agency predicts a 64 percent probability of at least one major hurricane hitting the East Coast.
Crossmaker, Maureen.
Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery.
DD Quarterly.
Discusses emergency preparedness, response, and recovery for persons with disabilities.
(Available via licensed database.)
(No author).
2005 Annual Report to the President and Congress.
National Council on Disability.
The NCD submitted its Annual Performance Report to the President and Congress-Fiscal Year 2005 made various recommendations concerning emergency planning for people with disabilities. These suggestions included housing, health care, education, and transportation.
Reemer, Andrew.
Brookings Briefing on the Census.
The Brookings Institute.
Panel notes, discussing the situation after Katrina and how the elderly and disabled people affected.
(No author).
U.S. Report Faults Nation's Preparedness for Disaster.
New York Times.
This article discusses the nation's lack of preparedness for Hurricane Katrina, including care for the disabled and others with special need.
(No author).
Nationwide Plan Review Phase 2 Report.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The report by the Department of Homeland Security reviews and assess the status of the catastrophic and evacuation planning in all states and 75 of the nation's largest urban areas. The Plan Review has two phases, the first ivolved self-assessment in each state and urban area, and the second phase involved peer reviews. This paper relects the findings of both phases.
(No author).
Catastrophic Hurricane Evacuation Plan Evaluation: A Report to Congress.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
This is a report published in response to Congress's report for the DOT to review and asses its Federal and State evacuation plans, including costs, for catastrophic hurricanes and other events impacting the Gulf Coast region. The report gives the findings of the research and the metholody. The report is very detailed and does discuss persons with special needs.
(No author).
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Preparedness for Hurricane Season.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The cite provides basic information about changes to preparedness, response, recovery plans created by the department of homeland security
Harkins, Judy ; Peltz Strauss, Karen & Vanderheiden, Gregg.
Research and Policy Recommendations from the State of the Science Conference on Accessible Emergency Notification and Communication.
U.S. Access Board.
This is a follow-up report after the conference on Accessible Emergency Notification and Communication. The conference, and therefore the report, discussed topics on accessibility tools and gaps, government activities on accessible emergency communications, broadcast media notification, alerting and communication in facilities and campuses, person-to-person communications, relay services, and coping with severe communications infrastructure loss in times of disaster. There is some discussion of disability and working to ensure that people with disabilities are able to receive notification of an emergency.
(No author).
Matrix Suggests Steps for People with Special Needs.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Provides a matrix for steps in emergency preparedness and response for people with disabilities. Makes suggestions about specific kinds of disabilities and what the specific needs might be.
(No author).
Support Coordinators Emergency Preparedness: Best Practices Guidelines.
LA Department of Health and Hospitals.
This is a paper that provides a framework whereby support coordinators can create emergency preparedness procedures for ensure the safety and health of the people they are serving. The paper addresses readiness, response, and recovery. The paper is specific to people with disabilities.
(No author).
Providers Emergency Preparedness: Best Practice Guidelines.
LA Department of Health and Hospitals.
This is a paper that provides a framework whereby individual providers can create emergency preparedness procedures for ensure the safety and health of the people they are serving. The paper addresses readiness, response, and recovery. The paper is specific to people with disabilities.
(No author).
Notice of Change to the National Response Plan.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
A notice of change to the Federal response plan, this document outlines all of the line-by-line changes to the "Topic Areas" of such plan.
(No author).
Hurricane Katrina: Better Plans and Exercises Need to guide the Military's Response to Catastrophic Natural Disasters.
Government Accountability Office.
The report outlines how changes can be made to the military's response in light of what happened with Hurricane Katrina. GAO recommends the need for better plans and better understanding of the military's capabilities to respond to a catastrophe. The National Response Plan did not distinguish between regional disasters and catastrophic national disasters--also lacked detail. Without an understanding of what happened, and addressing planning, a disaster like Katrina will happen again.
(No author).
Hurricane Season Preparations.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
DHS outlines the steps being taken to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season. This cite names responsibilities for Federal, state, and local governments, as well as information about how to plan for an emergency.
(No author).
National Association for the Deaf: Emergency Preparedness.
Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions.
The web page explains how people who are deaf can receive information about a disaster. The NAD says that new techniques and technology are available that can help people with hearing impairments be better prepared for an emergency.
(No author).
Emergency Preparedness: Taking Responsibility for Your Safety (Tips for People with Disabilities and Activity Limitations_.
Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions.
An emergency planning guide for people with disability. Discusses emergency preparedness, how to create emergency plans, emergency kits, and create support connections or contacts.
Bascetta, Cynthia.
Disaster Preparedness Preliminary Observations on the Evacuation of Vulnerable Populations Due to Hurricanes and Other Disasters.
Government Accountability Office.
GAO was asked to discuss efforts to plan and prepare for the needs of seniors in the event of a national emergency. GAO describes its ongoing work on evacuation in the event of emergencies, such as hurricanes, and provides preliminary observations on (1) challenges faced by hospital and nursing home administrators that are related to hurricane evacuations; (2) the federal program that supports the evacuation of patients needing hospital care and nursing home residents; and (3) challenges states and localities face in preparing for and carrying out the evacuation of transportation-disadvantaged populations and efforts to address evacuation needs.
Kailes, June Isaacson & Enders, Alexandra.
Moving Beyond “Special Needs”:A Function Based Framework for Emergency Management and Planning.
The paper discusses the difference between the needs of people with disabilities and how this group is often lumped together even though they may have different needs. The paper also discusses emergency management and planning in terms of medical needs, communication needs, supervision needs, maintaining functional independence needs, and transportation. Finally, the paper mentions the importance of leadership, service delivery, expertise and training in emergency preparedness and execution of emergency plans.
(No author).
Hurricane Katrina: Policies and Procedures are Needed to Ensure Appropriate Use of and Accountability for International Assistance.
Government Accountability Office.
The report indicated that polices and procedures are needed to ensure appropriate use and accountability of international assistance received during a domestic disaster. The GAO recommends improving policies, procedures, planning, and oversight of international cash and in-kind donations to the US government.
(No author).
Panel Discussions.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
This article discussed the effects of Hurricane Katrina on transportation, and the importance of communicating between local, state, and federal government the need to prepare emergency management and transportation plans for individuals with disability.
Dewan, Shaila.
Storm Evacuees Found to Suffer Health Setbacks.
A NY Times article reporting a recent study that interviewed families living in trailers or hotels. It provides a grim portrait of the hurricane's effects on some of the poorest victims, showing gaps in the tattered safety net pieced together from government and private efforts.
(No author).
Saving Lives: Including People with Disabilities in Emergency Planning.
National Organization on Disability.
This report is a report that provides the President with recommnedations about how to best include persons with disabilities in emergency prepardness efforts.
Sutherland, Daniel W.
Remarks at the National Hurricane Conference, April 14, 2006 by Daniel W. Sutherland Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Office of the Secretary.
The web page displays the ICC's Chairman's address at the National Hurricane Conference. His speech had three main points: that people with disabilities must be effectively integrated into the emergency management process, second, that the ICC needs to identify ways they can help the local and state responders with the complex issues of a national disaster, and third, that people with disabilities want to help in emergency planning and in emergencies in general. Mr. Sutherland also discussed major issues in the Gulf Coast area such as medical equipment (wheelchairs, oxygen), transportation, poorly equipped shelters for people with disabilities, and the lack of adequate temporary housing for people in nursing homes.
(No author).
FEMA: Ready for 2006 Hurricane Season.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The FEMA approaches the 2006 hurricane season with a renewed sense of commitment, improvement and urgency, building on a solid foundation of experienced professionals and the lessons learned from last year's unprecedented disaster response activities. The 2005 hurricane season tested our nation as never before, and we are committed to increasing our preparedness for catastrophic events and smaller-scale disasters.While states and localities have the lead in emergency response, FEMA will be prepared to coordinate the federal government's supporting role. FEMA also understands the special needs of Gulf Coast states, which will include a need for assistance with evacuation planning, difficulties with manufactured housing, and diminished law enforcement capabilities. FEMA is implementing multiple new measures designed to strengthen essential functions so the agency can more effectively respond to all disasters. These improvements include building a 21st century supply tracking system, enhancing our ability to receive requests for individual assistance, expediting the pace of debris removal, and developing an smarter plan for long-term housing.
(No author).
American Red Cross Expands Capacity to Handle Disasters.
American Red Cross.
This press release details the Red Cross's plan to expand its capacity in disasters to assist communities across the country through the earliest days of a disaster. The Red Cross intends to form partnerships with community-based organizations to speed assistance to disaster victims and bring help closer to where they live. Does not address individuals with disability.
(No author).
A Performance Review of FEMA's Disaster Management Activities in Response to Hurricane Katrina.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
This report assess the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) performance as it conducted its disaster management responsibilities in response to Hurricane Katrina. We examined whether the laws, regulations, policies, procedures, plans, guidelines, and resources were adequate and operational, and whether FEMA's organizational structure enhanced or hindered its emergency management capabilities. The recommendations herein have been developed to the best knowledge available to our office, and have been discussed in draft with those responsible for implementation. It is our hope that this report will result in more effective, efficient, and economical operations.
Kailes, June Isaacson.
Emergency Power Planning for People Who Use Electricity and Battery dependent Assistive Technology and Medical Devices.
Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions.
An emergency planning guide specifically written for people with electric battery-powered assistant devices.
(No author).
Progress Made: A 6-Month Update on Hurricane Relief, Recovery and Rebuilding.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Federal Emergency Management Agency.
This report focuses on the efforts made after Hurricane Katrina hit. It specifically focuses on the activities made by various government agencies. There is a bit of information in the report about recovery, repair, and restoring services. This report
(No author).
Emergencies and Disasters: Declared Disasters and Assistance: What Government is Doing.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
February 28, 2006 marks the 6-month point since Hurricane Katrina hit landfall. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were two of the most intense hurricanes ever recorded during the Atlantic Hurricane season. The storm had a massive impact on the physical landscape, her people as well as on the region’s economy. Approximately 90,000 square miles were hit by the storm – roughly the size of Great Britain – directly affecting 1.5 million people. Commercial infrastructure was heavily damaged, with ports – of which one-quarter of all U.S. imports and exports pass through – closed after sustaining damage. Airports, railroads, bridges, warehouses, wharves, offshore facilities, roads, schools and hospitals were also closed after getting hit. More than 16,000 federal personnel have been deployed to help state and local officials along the Gulf Coast recover from the damage. Some $88 billion in federal aid has been allocated for relief, recovery and rebuilding, with another $20 billion requested, to help victims of storm and the region recover and rebuild. President Bush continues to follow through with the Federal commitment to “do what it takes” to help residents of the Gulf Coast rebuild their lives in the wake of the disaster. 15,000 HUD-assisted or homeless families are receiving up to 18 months of housing assistance through the Katrina Disaster Housing Assistance Program (KDHAP), administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). More than 6,000 single-family homes within a 500-mile radius of the declared disaster areas have been identified and HUD has either repaired these homes or is currently in the process of repairing them; more than 1,000 families have been able to move back in, with another 800 in process. Once repaired, the remainder of these homes will be offered to evacuees either as temporary housing or for purchase through a discounted sale program. To respond to the human services and mental health needs of individuals affected by the hurricane, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded $550 million in Social Service Block Grants. The funding will also provide support to those lacking health insurance or adequate access to care, and to health care safety net providers. Funding was provided in varying amounts to all 50 States, with the majority going to LA (40 percent), MS (23 percent), TX (16 percent), and FL (10 percent). Over 30,000 families are being helped through HHS' Administration on Children and Families (ACF) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF) program by the provision ofshort?term, non-recurrent cash benefits to families who traveled to another State from the disaster designated States The hurricane-damaged States of MS, LA, and AL also received additional funding for the TANF program to provide assistance and work opportunities to needy families ($69 million for loan forgiveness and $25 million in contingency funds for State Welfare Programs). The website only mentions persons with disabilities to the extent that DOL deployed Disability Program Navigators to assist individuals with disabilities who were affected ($5 million), and the Social Security Administration immediately invoked emergency procedures once Katrina hit to locate displaced Social Security, SSI and disability beneficiaries to provide them with a replacement check if they did not receive theirs, in cases of electronic deposit, were unable to access their funds.
(No author).
Progress Made: A 6 Month Update on Hurricane Relief, Recovery, and Rebuilding.
USA Freedom Corps.
This article discusses the immediate needs of people affected by Hurricane Katrina and also the long-term needs. A section of the article is dedicated to rebuilding the economy and protecting workers. There are also sections on restoring transportation, utilities, social services, etc. There is a brief mention of SSI and SSD but there is not much else pertaining to persons with disabilities.
(No author).
Emergency Preparedness and Response: Some Issues and Challenges associated with Major Emergency Incidents.
Government Accountability Office.
This report is based on the testimony of William O. Jenkins, Jr., the Director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues, before the Little Hoover Commission, State of California. This testimony discusses the challenges of effective emergency preparedness
(No author).
Katrina Disability Information.
Information on Disability for Empowerment, Advocacy, & Support (I.D.E.A.S.).
I.D.E.A.S. (Information on Disability for Empowerment, Advocacy, & Support) has created a webpage, listing resources for people with disabilities who were affected by Hurricane Katrina and their families and friends. The listings include information on n
(No author).
Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
This press release outlines some of the concerns surrounding emergency preparedness and response. It briefly outlines the scope of the Katrina disaster, the shortcomings of the response, the Federal governments responsibilities, state actions, how DHS and FEMA can improve, and problems with communication.
(No author).
A Failure of Initiative: Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
This is the final report published by the Select Bipartisan Committee that was created to investigate the preparation for and response to Hurricane Katrina. The research was supposed to look at the development, coordination, and execution by local, State, and Federal authorities of emergency response plans in preparation for Katrina, as well as look at the response to the Hurricane by these same agencies. The report gives an executive summary of the findings and discusses these topics: levees, evacuation, national framework for emergency management, FEMA preparedness, communications, command and control, the military and law enforcement, medical care, shelter and housing, logistics, and charitable organizations. There is mention of people with special needs although the report is not specific to them.
(No author).
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research - Notice of Final Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 2005-2009.
U.S. Department of Education.
The paper is about a five-year research plan that has several purposes. First is to set broad general directions to guide NIDRR's (National Insitute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research) policies and resources; two, to have objectives for research; 3, to write a system for operationalizing the Final Plan in terms of annual priorities, etc.; 4, to have new emphasis on the management and administration of the research.
(No author).
Notice of Final Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years.
U.S. Deptartment of Education.
Vol. 71,
Issue 31.
The Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) publishes the Final Long-Range Plan (Final Plan) for the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) for FY 2005 through 2009. As required by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act), the Assistant Secretary takes this action to outline priorities for rehabilitation research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities, and to explain the basis for these priorities
(No author).
Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned.
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.
The President specifically requested that we review the response to the Federal government to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Report is organized in a manner to give the reader the most comprehensive and clear understanding possible of what happened during the Federal response to Hurricane Katrina.
(No author).
Newsroom: National Council on Disability on Hurricane Katrina Affected Areas.
National Council on Disability.
The National Council on Disability (NCD) believes that people with disabilities will have unique needs in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that must be surveyed and responded to immediately. The article gives information and makes recommendations for effective disaster relief and assistance to people with disabilities in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Federal government is attempting to address the needs of people with disabilities through FEMA, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Food and Nutrition Service, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. However, more needs to be done to facilitate a coordinated Federal Disability Recovery Plan for Hurricane Katrina. NCD has offered some recommendations to support the administration’s assistance to those affected by Katrina. The article also summarizes different reports released by the NCD with recommendations to the federal government, leaders and experts within the disability community, media professionals, and relevant officials. Some examples of the action and information dissemination by the disability community are provided.
(No author).
National Council on Disability on Hurricane Katrina Affected Areas.
National Council on Disability.
Outlines the flaws in the federal government's Katrina response; includes recommendation, and subsequent follow-up action after Katrina relief has concluded.
Whoriskey, Peter & Gugliotta, Guy.
The Evacuation and The Recriminations.
Washington Post.
Most everyone in town knew right away that the worst had happened. The cops heard about it even before Hurricane Katrina itself arrived. Hardy souls who stayed behind figured it out quickly, too. They climbed the stairs to the second floor, then the attic, and then started looking for axes to punch through the roof. The 17th Street levee had collapsed last Monday morning beneath the might of Katrina's storm surge, opening a chasm in the city's flood-protection system and sending a deluge coursing into New Orleans from Lake Pontchartrain. From that moment, the fate of New Orleans was sealed. The city, supposedly 80 percent evacuated by the time the storm hit, would have to be emptied altogether. There was no place for people to stay. And there would not be anywhere to stay next week, next month, perhaps next year. It was time to go. Yet it took until late Saturday to take 42,000 people away -- mostly from the fetid Superdome and the equally squalid Convention Center, while city officials estimated an equal number still awaited evacuation. And that was just New Orleans. Nobody knew how many people in the surrounding parishes still needed transportation. "They keep coming out of the woodwork," said Terry Ebbert, the director of homeland security for New Orleans. "The human suffering I've seen here is greater that anything I've ever been exposed to." With the evacuations firmly underway, recriminations abounded. Michael D. Brown, the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, blamed the city. Mayor C. Ray Nagin "canorder an evacuation," Brown said in a telephone news conference, but it did not work because the city did not have "the resources to get the poor, elderly or the disabled out." "Everybody shares the blame here," countered New Orleans City Council President Oliver Thomas. The large numbers needing assistance may have been a surprise, "but when you talk about the mightiest government in the world, that's a ludicrous and lame excuse. You're FEMA, and you're the big dog. And you weren't prepared either." But a look at Katrina's immediate aftermath suggests that a rush of conflicting demands overwhelmed the ability of officials of all kinds to cope. The feds should have moved faster. President Bush admitted as much Friday, characterizing relief efforts as "unacceptable." The locals, in a broad sense, did not heed their own warnings. There was no secret about New Orleans. The city is a below sea-level punch bowl. A direct hit from a major hurricane would mean evacuating 700,000 of the 1.1 million people in the metropolitan area, University of New Orleans researcher Shirley Laska said in a sobering paper written a year ago. Lose a levee, she said, and 40,000 to 60,000 people could die. Officials have not yet begun to tally Katrina's dead. Nagin ordered a voluntary evacuation for New Orleans on Saturday, Aug. 27, two days before the storm made landfall, and made the evacuation mandatory the next day. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a test," Nagin told the city. "This is the real deal." Six surrounding parishes issued similar orders, and buses took a lot of people out. But a lot stayed behind: the elderly, the infirm, people with special needs, the hurricane die-hards and plenty of tourists. Some airlines did not fly to New Orleans on Sunday. But mostly, the remainder were poor people. New Orleans has 120,000 residents without cars, Laska said in her paper. They needed rides, and they did not get them. This problem should have been foreseen, noted Abby Maxman, the Haiti director for the relief agency CARE, which provided assistance to the city of Gonaives in September 2004, when 3,000 of 180,000 inhabitants perished at the hands of Hurricane Jeanne. "If you are poor, the choices are very, very limited," Maxman said. "But, really, did they have a choice?" Maxman suggested that more mass shelters in proximity to poor communities would have lessened the impact of the disaster. When the storm passed, there were 9,000 people in the Superdome, even though the city had provided services only for the sick and those with special needs. Others could use it "as a shelter of last resort," Nagin said. But after the levee collapsed, the Superdome became the shelter of "only resort," and by Tuesday there were 20,000 inside. The multitude would increase to 30,000 as the week progressed. "Monday we knew what we needed by numbers," Ebbert said Saturday. "We told FEMA we needed to move 30,000 people. Now we're just rolling on number 30,000. This should have been five days ago." But New Orleans had other things to worry about. The primary concern Monday was the burst levee; the focus Tuesday was on plucking desperate survivors from submerged houses, and on Wednesday attention shifted to looters. Only Thursday did evacuation grab the spotlight. By that time the Superdome had turned into a stifling, dimly lighted cavern covered in trash and human waste. Sick people were dying unattended, and women were being raped. The buses started to arrive Wednesday morning but did not make an immediate dent in the crowding. Under increasing criticism for their failure to act quickly, officials spoke about how the scope of the tragedy could not have been anticipated. But some of the excuses rang hollow. Denise Bottcher, a spokesman for Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D), said LA traditionally relies on Mississippi, Alabama and Florida forNational Guard help during emergencies, but the other states had their own problems with the storm. This could have been anticipated days before it hit. It was not until Thursday that the Defense Department announced it was assembling 7,000 federal troops in "Joint Task Force Katrina" to help with relief and security. The same day, State Police Superintendent Col. Henry Whitehorn announced that a group of LA sheriffs were assembling another "task force" to help control New Orleans. It was, for some, too little, too late. "These are people who fell through the safety net, as they always do," Paul Valteau, the sheriff of Orleans Parish said. "They're hard-working, tax-paying citizens, and they're being treated like trash. People in Iraq get treated better by the federal government." Gugliotta reported from Washington. Staff writer Jacqueline L. Salmon in Baton Rouge, La., staff writers Elizabeth Williamson and Spencer S. Hsu in Washington, and researcher Madonna Lebling in Washington contributed to this report.
(No author).
Hurricane Katrina: GAO's Preliminary Observations regarding Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.
Government Accountability Office.
GAO has undertaken a massive study to answer questions about the nation's readiness and ability to respond to catastrophic disasters in preparation, response, recovery, and rebuilding. The preliminary observations suggest that the mobilized resources wer
(No author).
Hurricanes - Special Populations.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Center for Disease Control.
This website, through the CDC, lists some of the census data on persons with disabilities in the areas that were affected by the hurricanes. There is also a frequently asked questions section specifically for persons with disabilities.
(No author).
National Council on Disability on Katrina Affected Areas.
National Council on Disability.
This gives some numbers on how many disabled individuals there are in Katrina affected cities. For example: "In New Orleans, a city of about 484,000 people, 23.2 percent of residents are people with disabilities." It also lists some triage housing contac
(No author).
Letter to the Honorable Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security.
National Council on Disability.
Letter encouraging Dept. of Homeland security to appoint a "point person" to coordinate disability relief; also includes a long-term plan for disability accommodation/relief for the DHS to follow.
Alper, Bruce.
Emergency preparedness fails post-9/11 test; Federal officials want to examine communications problems.
New Orleans Times-Picayune.
(No author).
Checklist for Interaction with Katrina Evacuees Coming to Your State.
National Spinal Cord Injury Association.
This site provides information for people affected by Hurricane Katrina, including individuals with disability. The site discusses efforts to coordinate the flow of information between states and across the country, and offers many links to government website.
(No author).
Safeguarding the Health of Katrina's Victims.
Kaiser Family Foundation.
This is a transcript of a meeting discussing the current health situation of the people affected by Hurricane Katrina. Comments were made on the general help of the public and volunteers as well as the response at the local, state, and federal levels in terms of health care. There is some mention of people with disabilities and special needs.
(No author).
NCD Bulletin Sept. 2005.
National Council on Disability.
NCD calls for Katrina Relief action from Homeland Security; CRIPA and Hurricane Relief efforts, and a legislative update related to disability.
(No author).
Coastal Town Prepares for Hurricane Katrina.
American Red Cross.
The website includes information on how to prepare for the Hurricane season (creating a family communication plan, keeping at least half a tank of fuel in all cars, and taking a disaster kit when leaving the home), and follows one man as he boards his wi
(No author).
Analysis of Local Emergency Management Plans to Determine Whether the Needs of People with Mobility Limitations are Being Met.
Nobody Left Behind, University of Kansas.
The three-year research grant, Nobody Left Behind: Disaster Preparedness for Persons with Mobility Limitations, awarded to the University of Kansas, Research and Training Center on Independent Living, and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the American Teachers of Preventative Medicine (TS#0840), stipulates that the researchers will: Request a local emergency management plan at the time of the disaster occurrence for each of the 30 sites selected for analysis and the most recent version of that document, and Analyze the plans to determine if any and what changes in disaster planning and emergency response policies and practices were made with respect to persons with mobility impairments. From the 11 sites that provided investigators with a section of their local emergency management plans for review, only two (or 18%) had comprehensive procedures stated in their plans to address many of the needs of persons with mobility impairments. The two sites took different approaches in their individual plans. One approach created a separate appendix on persons with disabilities, while the other approach referenced how to address the needs of the persons with disabilities in the various appropriate sections. Both of these approaches could be considered as emerging best practices for emergency managers to adopt. In addition, the plan should, at a minimum, address the guidelines for ADA pertaining to emergency management as recommended by the Department of Justice. It is recommendation that model appendices be developed for the various special needs populations. It is also recommended that federal and state leaders in emergency management encourage at the local level the adoption of separate appendixes for the various special needs populations that are predominate in their individual community settings. This is a major shift in philosophy concerning the content style of emergency management plans. But, it appears to be warranted due to the lack of training many of the emergency managers have in special needs populations, which includes persons with disabilities. This research study found that 73% of the managers had not taken the special needs course offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 80% did not have guidelines in their plans and another 79% are not planning to develop guidelines to address the needs of persons with disabilities. As illustrated from the television coverage of persons who were affected by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, many had disabilities or chronic conditions. As evident by the total chaos of the response, there needs to be systems for identification of persons and residential and medical facilities needing assistance with evacuation, transportation, shelter, or medical needs during a disaster. The importance of these identification systems were confirmed with the 11 local emergency plans submitted to the researchers for review. Ten out of the 11 plans had requirements for one or more identification systems to address specific assistance needs of the elderly, ill, and persons with disabilities. The necessary federal, state, and local resources for the creation, maintenance, and public outreach efforts necessary for these identification systems should be encouraged and supported. It is advised that further research explore the strengths and weakness of various identification systems to assist emergency managers in the selections of systems to accommodate varying assistance needs and community situations, such as rural and urban.
(No author).
Nobody Left Behind: Analysis of Local Emergency Management Plans to Determine Whether the Needs of Persons with Mobility Limitations are Being Met.
The Research and Training Center on Independent Living at the University of Kansas.
This document indicates that a three-year research grant was awarded to the University of Kansas funded by the CDC. The project was to request local emergency plans from 30 sites selected for analysis, and to analyze those plans. From the 11 sites that provided investigators with a section of their local emergency management plans for review, only two (or 18%) had comprehensive procedures stated in their plans to address the needs of persons with mobility impairments. The two sites took different approaches in their individual plans. One approach created a separate appendix on persons with disabilities, while the other approach referenced how to address the needs of the persons with disabilities in teh various appropriate sections. Both of these approaches could be considered as emerging best practices for emergency managers to adopt. In addition, the plan should, at a minimum, address the guidelines for ADA pertaining to emergency management as recommended by teh DOJ. It is recommendation that model appendices be developed for the various special needs populations. It is also recommended that federal and state leaders in emergency management encourage at the local level the adoption of separate appendices for the various speical needs populations that are predominate in their individual community settings. This is a major shift in philosophy concerning the content style of emergency management plans. But, it appears to be warranted due to the lack of training many of the emergency managers have in special needs populations, which includes persons with disabilities. This research study found that 73% of the managers had not taken the special needs course offered by FEMA, 80% did not have guidelines in their plans and another 79% are not planning to develop guidelines to address the needs of persons with disabilities. There needs to be systems for identification of persons and residential and medical facilities needing assistance with evacuation, transportation, shelter, or medical needs during a disaster. Ten out of the eleven plans had requirements for one or more identification systems to address specific assistance needs of the elderly, ill, and persons with disabilities.
(No author).
Briefing Paper: Objective Three, Part 1.
Nobody Left Behind, University of Kansas.
A briefing paper that targets leading agencies in developing and implementing policies and procedures for emergency preparedness and response for people with disabilities. The paper includes research findings and questions to address the findings. Further recommendations are included.
Roth, Marcie.
Serving and Protecting All by Applying Lessons Learned. Including People with Disabilities and Seniors in Disaster Services.
The web page is actually a report about the lessons learned during Hurricane Katrina and what needs to be done for people with disabilities at the local, state, regional and federal level. It also discusses evacuation, housing, communication, shelters, training, recovery centers, as well as experiences of people with disabilities in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.
(No author).
A Record of Accomplishment - 2004.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This website discusses President Bush's program - New Freedom Initiative, which helps ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to learn and develop skills, engage in productive work, make choices about their daily lives and participate fully in community life. Specifically, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)created an Office of Disability which is responsible for leading the HHS New Freedom Initiative; oversee, coordinate, develop and implement disability programs and initiatives within HHS that impact people with disabilities; ensure that persons with disabilities across the lifespan have a voice within HHS; and heighten the interaction of programs within HHS and with federal, state, community and private sectors. Additionally, it discusses emergency preparedness for people with disability at all levels, including federal, state, tribal, and community levels.
Thomas, James.
Disaster Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities.
Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions.
The powerpoint presentsation talks about the efforts in Conneticutt to prepare for an emergency. Also includes how each individual can be prepared for an emergency and what should be included in an emergency kit.
(No author).
DHS Organization; Department Structure; Office for Hurricane Katrina Oversight; PCIE and ECIE - Oversight of Gulf Coast Hurricane Recovery, A 90-Day Progress Report to Congress, December 30, 2005.
President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency.
The 141-page document reports on investigations ensuring that federal response and recovery funds are spent appropriately, those attempting to defraud the government are brought to justice, and those responsible for the relief efforts are wise stewards i
(No author).
Real Stories, Real Loss.
National Spinal Cord Injury Association.
Examples of the actual experiences of people with spinal cord injury impacted by the Gulf Coast storms. Their stories are sadly typical, and our hope is that their experiences will not be entirely in vain, but help with the effort to establish effective emergency preparedness and disaster relief policies and systems. These stories can and should have been about needs being met, rather than lives being compromised.
(No author).
Quarterly Meeting Notes.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities.
The paper is a recap of a quarterly meeting of the Interagency Coordination Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities. The meeting included a presentation on the impact of the hurricanes on people with disabilities in the Gulf Coast area, and the actions that ICC was taking to provide relief. There were also updates from the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Federal Communications, and Homeland Security. There was also a section of Question and Answer.
(No author).
FAQ: Hurricane Katrina Frequently Asked Questions.
MS Department of Education.
FAQ website provides answers to questions of Mississippians who are recovering from the Hurricane and want to get specific services. It also provides contact information after the answer for each question.
(No author).
Hurricane Katrina: Its Impact on People with Disabilities.
National Organization on Disability.
The National Organization on Disability (N.O.D.) has collected and listed articles that focus on the impact of Hurricane Katrina on people with disabilities. The articles provide information on disability concerns in the affected areas, news reports and
Wiley, Richard E. Harold, Rosemary C.
Communications Law: On the Brink of Change.
Communications Law.
Practising Law Institute.
Pp. 163.
The article discusses changes in communications law and communication requirements for emergency situations. There is specific mention, brief, of making sure that people with disabilities are able to be notified of an emergency.
(Available via licensed database.)
(No author).
Emergency Management and People with Disabilities: Before, During and After.
National Council on Disability.
NCD Congressional Briefing on what needs currently to be done for individuals with disabilities during emergencies, what is being done now, and what needs to be done in the future.
(No author).
Defensive Strategies: A Disaster Plan for Those Who Need It Most.
American Association of Retired Persons.
This article discusses the preparedness of other cities and the failure to prepare for Hurricane Katrina, which has led to many deaths.
(No author).
Hurricane Katrina Response.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The paper by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development discusses the various initiates carried out by the agency in response to Hurricane Katrina. The document gives specific details about the type of housing and the duration as well.
(No author).
Hurricane Katrina Response.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Generally details HUD response to Katrina; addresses HUD efforts to asses "issues and needs and review education and outreach strategy being developed to support Disaster Relief Centers (DRC) on fair housing and civil rights issues" for those with disabilities. This report includes some information on persons with disabilities.
(No author).
EPI Press Conference regarding report on SNAKE teams' assessment of Katrina response and rescue efforts.
National Organization on Disability.
This transcript includes the briefings given by Secretary John Hager (Education Rehabilitation Services at the Department of Education) and Hilary Styron (Head of the Emergency Preparedness Initiative) during the EPI Press Conference. Secretary Hager gav
(No author).
National Guard Homeland Defense White Paper: 9/11, Katrina, and Beyond.
Army National Guard.
A section of this paper beginning on page 4 talks about the LA Guard and their preparation and response to Katrina. This page states that 200,000 people were evacuated to shelters (with many more evacuated in total). There is not any information specifically pertaining to persons with disabilities.
(No author).
Emergency Evacuation of People with Physical Disabilities from Buildings: 2004 Conference Proceedings.
U.S. Department of Education.
A two-day conference on Emergency Evacuation of People with Physical Disabilities was held Oct. 13-14, 2004. The conference provided a forum to discuss: the impact of building and life safety codes on the evacuation of people with physical disabilities from buildings; the current evacuation procedures for people with physcial disabilities from the first responder perspective; the experiences of people with physical disabilities during emergency evacuations from buildings; the design and development of different types of evacuation devices; and the current state of research on mobility equipment, human factors, and egress modeling. There were keynote speakers and panel discussions on building and life safety codes; current practices of emergency management and first responders toward evacuation of persons with physical disabilities; current state of evacuation devices. There was a user perspective and demonstrations of state-of-the-art research.
(No author).
In the Eye of the Storm: How the Government and Private Response to Hurricane Katrina Failed Latinos.
National Council of La Raza.
This report was written to explore the failure of public and private agencies to response adequately to changing demographics and how this particularly affected their ability to serve Latinos in the post-Katrina relief and recovery effort.
(No author).
We Can Do Better: Lessons Learned for Protecting Older Persons in Disasters.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
This is a follow-up report by AARP after a national conference they held in response to Hurricane Katrina and its impact on the elderly and people with disabilities. The intent of the report is to provide suggestions and links to practical tools and resources that will help policy makers at the federal, state, and local levels be better prepared for disasters. The report addresses planning and communications, identifying who will need help, including tracking and medications, and evacuating other persons, including transportation and special needs shelters. The two main parts of the report as preparedness and response.
Galea, Sandro; Hadley,Craig; Morse,Stephen S.;.
Health promotion in practice.
Pp. 427-459.
create: Health Promotion in Practice is a practice-driven text that translates theories of health promotion into a step-by-step clinical approach for engaging with clients. The book covers the theoretical frameworks of health promotion, clinical approaches to the eleven healthy behaviors--eating well, physical activity, sexual health, oral health, smoking cessation, substance safety, injury prevention, violence prevention, disaster preparedness, organizational wellness, and enhancing development--as well as critical factors shaping the present and the future of the field. Written by the leading practitioners and researchers in the field of health promotion, Health Promotion in Practice is a key text and reference for students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners.
(Available via licensed database.)
Reyes,Gilbert; Jacobs,Gerard A.;.
Handbook of international disaster psychology: Interventions with special needs populations.
cover: The stories in these pages will prove instructive and inspirational to all concerned with promoting the psychological welfare of people who have endured horrific events triggered by the violence and upheaval of mankind or nature at their worst. Contributors to this set include professors from Columbia, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins universities, as well as the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the World Health Organization. A remarkable team of expert authors provides firsthand accounts from disaster survivors around the globe, enabling readers to understand the lingering trauma and mental wounds that might otherwise go unrecognized, yet last a lifetime. These are the men, women, and children whom practitioners in the new field of disaster psychology seek to heal. They include survivors of torture, terrorism, genocide attempts, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami, and other manmade or natural disasters. This set of books is the most comprehensive available resource explaining the practices and principles that have been employed, and are being employed, to heal them. foreword: Every day millions of people in the world are affected by disasters. Concern for people's mental health after disasters is a relatively recent phenomenon. Disaster psychology is a young field; practitioners and researchers alike need to learn from one another. We all need to learn from one another on how to achieve meaningful objectives in a culturally appropriate and sustainable manner in order to reduce avoidable mental and social suffering without causing harm. This handbook provides a rich collection of writings by many of the world's experts on disasters. Reading these chapters will prepare both novice and experienced practitioners for a better response. This is an important book.
(Available via licensed database.)
(No author).
Any School District School Occupational Safety and Crisis Response Plan.
MS Department of Education.
This document is very comprehensive and details all processes for all emergency situations, including natural disasters, missing children, criminal activity, bomb threats, and child injury. It explains how to help children and how to assist those in charge.
Basler, Barbara.
Defensive Strategies.
Hoboken, NJ, US; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Vol. 46,
Issue 10.
Pp. 16-18.
Discusses the readiness of communities to provide for their special-needs residents during disasters. Most communities have not considered the issue of how to evacuate people with special needs, let alone made specific plans, but watching the response in New Orleans, LA, to Hurricane Katrina may change that. Congressional hearings probing the botched evacuation of the city are already under way. However, disaster managers say what happened in New Orleans could have happened in other cities and towns. With its large older population and its vulnerability to hurricanes, Florida is one of the few states to have developed a comprehensive program. Linn County, Iowa, developed its own special-needs plan, without any help from the state, and has been cited as a model by federal emergency officals and by the National Association of Counties. A sidebar presents an interview with Representative Peter King, R-NY, head of the House Homeland Security Committee.
(Available via licensed database.)
Elgie, Robert; Sapien, Robert E.; Fullerton-Gleason, Lynne.
The New Mexico School Nurse and Emergency Medical Services Emergency Preparedness Course: Program Description and Evaluation.
Journal of School Nursing.
Alliance Communications Group.
Vol. 21,
Issue 4.
Pp. 218-223.
Illness and injuries are common among students and school staff. Therefore, school nurses must be prepared. In this study, a 16-hour scenario-based emergency preparedness course for school nurses was evaluated for its effectiveness. Effectiveness was measured by (a) traditional methods (written exams and confidence surveys) and (b) skills and performance evaluations in simulated emergencies called On-site Mock Emergency Scenarios. School nurses who completed the emergency preparedness course showed significant improvement in knowledge, confidence, and On-site Mock Emergency Scenarios scores that measured each nurse's ability to apply knowledge in simulated emergencies.
(Available via licensed database.)
Polatin, Peter B.; Young, Mark; Mayer, Maile; Gatchel, Robert.
Bioterrorism, stress, and pain: The importance of an anticipatory community preparedness intervention.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
Elsevier Science.
Vol. 58,
Issue 4.
Pp. 311-316.
This article reviews the accumulating scientific evidence demonstrating the negative impact caused by a cataclysmic event, such as bioterrorism, on the mental health of a community. Moreover, the potential mental health problems created by the continuing threat of possible future events are discussed. This close link among disaster events, stress, pain, and psychopathology is presented from a biopsychosocial perspective. Although there are now efforts being systematically developed to prepare for possible future biological or chemical terrorism events, there is currently also a critical need for early mental health intervention in response to future attacks to decrease psychiatric sequelae, especially workforce illness and morbidity. In this article, examples of such emergency bioterrorism preparedness, incorporating a major focus on mental health issues, are reviewed. Although these are now recognized needs, there is still not a concerted effort to prepare the population for the mental health sequelae that would be produced by such events.
(Available via licensed database.)
Perry, Ronald W.
Emergency Operations Centres in an Era of Terrorism: Policy and Management Functions.
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
Blackwell Publishing.
Vol. 11,
Issue 4.
Pp. 151-159.
The purpose of this article is to review the jurisdictional policy context of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), identify the functions performed and to describe the basic structure and operation of an EOC. Throughout the discussion, special attention is given to nontraditional functions that must be introduced into the EOC to cope with terrorism threats. The jurisdictional EOC is the centre of co-ordination, resource assembly and deployment, and management strategy in large-scale disasters. It is the place where technical emergency management directly interfaces with elected political authorities to form legitimate emergency authority and expertise. Sporadic and improvisational use of EOCs may be traced to three factors. First, large incidents that absolutely require an EOC are infrequent and small incidents can be handled with minimal EOC functionality or with the EOC functions assumed by other organisations. Second, local emergency managers sometimes take a narrow view of the jurisdictional emergency management system, failing to include needs for political concurrence with the response and citizen needs for information normally met in an EOC. Finally, many emergency managers do not fully understand the functions and structure of the EOC.
(Available via licensed database.)
(No author).
Resources on Emergency Evacuation and Disaster Preparedness.
U.S. Access Board.
ADA Design Requirements for Accessible Egress: Resources on Evacuation Planning and Assistive Products; and Resources on Disaster Preparedness.
(No author).
Advice to States in Helping Hurricane Victims.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Administration for Children & Families.
This article talks about what ACF is doing to assist the states in helping Hurricane Katrina evacuees. The article points out that ACF is trying to ensure that states do not face any negative consequences for attempting to help out with Katrina evacuees. There is not any information on this website specifically pertaining to persons with disabilities.
(No author).
Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities.
LA Protection and Advocacy System.
This documents was prepared by the LA P&A as a checklist or requirements for people with disabilities to prepare for an emergency. It also includes available Parishes and their services.
(No author).
ICC Katrina Response and Recovery Efforts : Emergency Preparedness NOW Spotlight Interview, U.S. Department of Education: Assistant Secretary.
The web page lists the activities that the ICC had taken when Hurricane Katrina hit to help victims with disabilities.
(No author).
Katrina Aid Today Fact Sheet.
National Disability Rights Network.
The document provides the mission for the National Disability Rights Network and gives contact information for active NDRN members.
(No author).
Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities and Special Needs.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
This is a guide to preparing for an emergency. It explains how to make a kit of emergency supplies, including medications, medical supplies, personal items, and emergency documents. It also describes how to make a plan for an emergency, including communcation, a support network, evacuation, animals, and fire safety.
(No author).
Hurricane Preparedness for People with Disabilities or Mobility Limitations.
A guide for people with disabilities and mobility imipairment. Discusses the risks of a hurricane, how and when to evacuate, what people will need to be prepared for an emergency, how to decide whether or not to evacuate, how to create a support network, assemble an emergency kit, information on transportation and shelters.
(No author).
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs:Another Look After Katrina.
The publication defines who people with disabilities are, the legal requirements to include this population within emergency planning, lists specific measures in order to include people with disabilities in emergency planning.
(No author).
Katrina: Lessons Learned (Powerpoint Presentation).
Center for Disability Issues and the Health Professions.
A powerpoint presentation that lists tasks that need to be covered by several agencies in order to be better prepared for disasters and/or emergencies. Discusses evacuations, shelters, communication, technology, types of people needing help, etc.
(No author).
DHS Organization; Department Structure; Office for Hurricane Katrina Oversight; Overview of Office of Inspector General Plans for Hurricane Katrina Oversight.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Office of the Inspector General.
Overview of OIG plans for Hurricane Katrina oversight: FEMA headquarters, Joint Field Offices, Review major contracts and expanded micro-purchase authority, monitor financial controls, review supporting documentation for public assistance projects and o
(No author).
Report on Special Needs Assessment for Katrina Evacuees (SNAKE) project.
National Organization on Disability.
This report describes the operations, findings, and recommendations of the SNAKE project initiated by N.O.D. The main purpose of this project was to capture time-sensitive data to highlight the impact of Katrina on the special needs population, through direct observation and sampling of experiences. The findings focus on the preparedness of, and problems faced by people with disabilities during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Their observations reveal that the government experienced systemic failures at all levels in their efforts to respond to the needs of the disability and aging populations. The report highlights the major issues involved, and gives recommendations for future planning. The recommendations include seeking out and utilizing the expertise of the disability community, and people with disabilities increasing their familiarity with the emergency protocol. It is hoped that the report will be helpful in addressing immediate challenges and immediate actionable corrections, and will support the review and implementation of corrective actions and new protocols.
(No author).
Let's learn from our mistakes before the next disaster strikes.
National Council on Disability.
Article stressing that various government organizations learn from the mistakes of Katrina and implement disaster relief facilities for the disabled
(No author).
Disaster Mobilization Initiative: Response to September 11th.
National Organization on Disability.
In order to effectively understand and incorporate the needs and resources of people with disabilities in emergency planning, it is important to define what could be expected from them, their organizations, mayors and city managers, government at all lev
(No author).
Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities.
LA Developmental Disabilities Council.
This is a guide published by the Red Cross for people with disabilities. It goes through a detailed outline of how to do a self-assessment, creating a support network, and personally preparing for a disaster. It includes a disaster supplies checklist and other important lists.
(No author).
Emergency Preparedness and People with Disabilities.
American Association on Health and Disability.
The manual references websites by category (city government, consumers with various disabilities, consumers with specific disabilities, elderly population, emergency managers and planners, employers, employees, facility managers, first responders) targeted to help certain populations in emergency preparation for persons with disabilities.
(No author).
Emergency Preparedness.
U.S. Department of Labor: Office of Disability Employment Policy.
DisabilityInfo.gov is a comprehensive online resource designed to provide people with disabilities with quick and easy access to the information they need. With just a few clicks, the site provides access to disability-related information and programs available across the government on numerous subjects, including benefits, civil rights, community life, education, employment, housing, health, technology and transportation.
(No author).
Pyramid Parents and Hurricane Katrina: When a Hurricane Hits.
University of Kansas, Beach Center on Disability.
This is a story about a woman and her son with autism found a support group/disability rights group called "Pyramid Parents." It outlines the steps they took to obtain rights for the son. It also outlines the problems in New Orleans before Katrina even hit. Pyramid set up a recovery fund to help people with disabilities recover from Katrina.
(No author).
U.S. Department of Labor.
This web page is on the development of emergency planning involving persons with disabilities. It covers how employers can prepared their workplace for people with disabiltiies, evacuation, shelters, etc. No specific mention of the hurricanes.
(No author).
Information for Evacuees with Disabilities and their Families.
United Cerebal Palsy.
Links to other agency hotlines for hurricane evacuee recovery: FEMA, Red Cross, HHS Crisis, HUD, UCP, and some additional resources (links to additional websites): more specific to region/state and donating to funds
(No author).
Information for Evacuees with Disabilities and their Families.
United Cerebral Palsy.
Links to other agency hotlines for hurricane evacuee recovery: FEMA, Red Cross, HHS Crisis, HUD, UCP, and some additional resources (links to additional websites): more specific to region/state and donating to funds
(No author).
National Disability Rights Network Checklist for UCP Affiliates Providing Disaster Relief.
United Cerebal Palsy.
Very comprehensive cite, including outreach, access to shelters, information and referral, Medicaid, FEMA benefits, keeping families together in shelters, unemployment benefits, food stamps, social security, durable medical equipment, public housing and section 8, other housing issues, education, coordination w/ other disability groups, state legislative needs
Benison, John.
Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
This article talks about meeting the transportation needs of persons with disabilities, particularly in the event of an emergency. It explains that the website contains information on preparedness, accessibility, and evacuation methods.
Blanck, Peter David.
Disaster Mitigation for Persons with Disabilities: Fostering a New Dialogue; A report of The Annenberg Washington Program in collaboration with The President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
The Annenberg Washington Program.
This collaborative report is meant to stimulate discussion of the issues and search for answers to problems. Although it is based on discussions with many people, it calls for much broader dialogue and research to address issues at the nexus of communications policy and disaster relief for persons with disabilities. Advance preparation is key to helping persons with disabilities survive a disaster.Leaders and experts within the disability community, members of relief organizations, media professionals, and local, state, and federal officials must establish a cooperative relationship to address this shortcoming. The challenges ahead will be overcome only by an ongoing dialogue among these and other groups. Seven key principles should guide this dialogue: (1) accessible disaster facilities and services; (2) accessible communications and assistance; (3) accessible adn reliable rescue communications; (4) partnerships with the media; (5) partnerships with the disability community; (6) disaster preparation, education, and training; and (7) universal design adn implementation strategies. These seven points reflect an emerging consensus about how best to respond to the needs of people with disabilities before, during, and after a disaster.
Cameron, Carl T.
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs: Aother Look After Katrina.
Center for Disability and Special Needs Preparedness.
This brief paper dicusses the impact of both the world trade center disaster as well as the hurricanes of 2005 on individuals with disabilities. The author briefly addresses several issues, including: who are people with special needs, the legal requirements of serving people with disabilities, what local emergency planners can do in an emergency , as well as giving various actions that will better prepare the community and the individuals with disabililties for an ermergency.