Employment Policy index

    Workforce Investment Act

  1. WIA Training Workbook
    - Unlocking the Potential of WIA Training Services
  2. Department of Labor Technical Assistance to Work Incentives Grantees
  3. RRTC on Workforce Investment and Employment Policy
  4. 2002 Leadership Challenges Audio Conference Series
  5. CARF Winter 2002 presentation by Pat Steele and James Schmeling

    Welfare to Work

  1. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and the Workforce Investment Act

    Ticket to Work

  1. 2002 Leadership Challenges Audio Conference Series
  2. Comprehensive, Person-Centered State Work Incentive Initiatives (takes you off our site)
  3. Final Regulations Implementing the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (The Ticket to Work Program); Policy Brief - Volume 4, Number 1; January 2002. Prepared by Robert Silverstein (CSADP)
    · Word version for download
  4. Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999
    Title I: Ticket to Work and Self Sufficiency Program
    Comments on Final Regulations - January 2002
    - Prepared by Amy Porter and Peter Baird, CT
    · Word version for download
  5. PowerPoint Presentation Describing the Ticket to Work Program
    part of the materials for the Audio Conference Series: February-Ticket to Work
  6. Ticket Workforce Briefing
    - Dan O'Brien
    · Powerpoint presentation for download


  1. National Results Council
    Performance Provider Profile and Report Card