(No author).
Prepare Yourself: Disaster Readiness Tips for Owners of Pets or Service Animals.
National Organization on Disability.
This short brochure discusses how people with disabilites who have service animals should prepare for disasters.
(No author).
Congregations Who Care - Prepare.
National Organization on Disability.
This website discusses specific steps a congregation can take to assist people with disabilities before a man-made or natural disaster.
Bascetta, Cynthia.
Disaster Preparedness Preliminary Observations on the Evacuation of Vulnerable Populations Due to Hurricanes and Other Disasters.
Government Accountability Office.
GAO was asked to discuss efforts to plan and prepare for the needs of seniors in the event of a national emergency. GAO describes its ongoing work on evacuation in the event of emergencies, such as hurricanes, and provides preliminary observations on (1) challenges faced by hospital and nursing home administrators that are related to hurricane evacuations; (2) the federal program that supports the evacuation of patients needing hospital care and nursing home residents; and (3) challenges states and localities face in preparing for and carrying out the evacuation of transportation-disadvantaged populations and efforts to address evacuation needs.
(No author).
Turning Compassion into Action - Donor Dollars at Work: Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.
American Red Cross.
This document provides cost projections for all of the relief that has been provided to the victims of the three major hurricanes. The areas that aid was provided are: food and shelter; emergency financial assistance; physical and mental health services; additional red cross support; hurricane recovery; fundraising costs/management and general expenses. Because the Red Cross continues to provide aid, the figures provided in the document are projections based on the information currently available. There is no mention of individuals with disabilities.
(No author).
Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned.
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.
The President specifically requested that we review the response to the Federal government to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Report is organized in a manner to give the reader the most comprehensive and clear understanding possible of what happened during the Federal response to Hurricane Katrina.
Mark, Amanda.
Family Clan Reunites at Red Cross Shelter.
American Red Cross.
The website follows a large family, previously living in New Orleans, to a Red Cross shelter in Birmingham, AL. It does not make mention of persons with disabilities.
(No author).
Talladega Superspeedway Takes Lead on ISC Relief Efforts: Corporate Office Pledges $1 Million in Funding and Services to Kickoff Initiative.
American Red Cross.
This document discusses the efforts that the Talladega Speedway made to the hurricane relief effort, including facilitating the collection of monetary donations from race fans at various racetracks. There is no mention of individuals with disabilities.
(No author).
Red Cross Providing Financial and Housing Assistance to Victims of Hurricane Rita.
American Red Cross.
This document discusses the efforts that the Red Cross is making to provide financial assistance to the victims of Hurricane Rita, while continuing to provide support to Hurricane Katrina victims. It also highlights what people seeking financial assistance can do to obtain assistance from the Red Cross. There is no mention of individuals with disabilities.
(No author).
Red Cross Plans to Support Rita Victims.
American Red Cross.
This document discusses how the Red Cross will be expanding its efforts to assist Hurricane Rita victims as it supported the victims of Hurricane Katrina. This expansion also includes the Motel Program that was put into place to aid the Katrina victims.
(No author).
Collaboration Key to Hurricane Katrina Response.
American Red Cross.
The website names other charitable organizations that collaborate with the Red Cross to help Hurricane Katrina victims. The site does not specifically name any organizations that assist persons with disabilities.
(No author).
American Red Cross Volunteers From Across The Country Bring Hope To Hurricane Katrina Survivors.
American Red Cross.
The website indicates that 4,200 Red Cross volunteers have continued to flock to the Gulf Region in the wake of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, and nearly 600 new volunteers enter the region daily. To date, 360 shelters are open, and nearly 100 are on standby. The site does not specifically mention persons with disabilities. The site, furthermore, asks for donations.
(No author).
Citizens and Corporations Respond With Outpouring of Generosity.
American Red Cross.
The website indicates that the Red Cross telethon raised $400,000 by the third day for Gulf Coast victims of the hurricanes, and that over $302 million total has been raised to date. It lists corporate donors, and does not specifically mention persons with disabilities.
(No author).
Red Cross Program Offers Emotional Support to Disaster Survivors.
American Red Cross.
This document highlights the efforts that the Red Cross has made to provide mental and emotional assistance to hurricane victims dealing with their losses. Not only is the Red Cross providing food and shelter for these individuals, but they are also rec
(No author).
Chapter Trains Volunteers to Respond to Hurricane Katrina.
American Red Cross.
The website indicates that 240 new Red Cross volunteers have been trained at the Arlington, VA chapter. More than 100 evacuees have arrived in the DC area from the Gulf region. It does not mention persons with disabilities.
Wasem, Ruth Ellen.
Katrina - Related Immigration Issues and Legislation.
U.S. Department of Juctice: Attorney General.
Immigration Issues after Katrina, also deals with the disabled LPRs and nonimmigrants in the hurricane area.
June Isaacson Kailes.
Why and How to Include People with Disabilities in Your Emergency Planning Process?.
Discusses the significance of incorporating persons with disabilities in the disaster preparedness and response process.
(No author).
Red Cross Combats Fraud with Federal Partners.
American Red Cross.
This document discusses the problem of fraudulent claims submitted to the Red Cross for hurricane relief. It discusses what measures the Red Cross takes to prevent such fraud. Finally, the article concludes by discussing what precautions donors can tak
(No author).
Different Faces, Same Heartbreak.
American Red Cross.
The website focuses on one individual with a physical disability. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this individual received financial assistance from the Red Cross in Mississippi.
(No author).
Putting Compassion in Action: Converting Donated Dollars into Aid for Disaster Victims.
American Red Cross.
This document discusses how the Red Cross uses the donations that it receives from the public. It highlights the various ways how donations may be made, and then it is concluded with a discussion of what the Red Cross' response to Hurricane Katrina has
(No author).
Partnership Key to Service Delivery for Hurricane Victims.
American Red Cross.
This document discusses the partnership that the Red Cross created with ACS, Inc., in order to set up a call center to provide financial assistance for hurricane victims. It discusses how the call center has improved over time in order to handle the cal
Galea, Sandro; Hadley,Craig; Morse,Stephen S.;.
Health promotion in practice.
Pp. 427-459.
create: Health Promotion in Practice is a practice-driven text that translates theories of health promotion into a step-by-step clinical approach for engaging with clients. The book covers the theoretical frameworks of health promotion, clinical approaches to the eleven healthy behaviors--eating well, physical activity, sexual health, oral health, smoking cessation, substance safety, injury prevention, violence prevention, disaster preparedness, organizational wellness, and enhancing development--as well as critical factors shaping the present and the future of the field. Written by the leading practitioners and researchers in the field of health promotion, Health Promotion in Practice is a key text and reference for students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners.
(Available via licensed database.)
Reyes,Gilbert; Jacobs,Gerard A.;.
Handbook of international disaster psychology: Interventions with special needs populations.
cover: The stories in these pages will prove instructive and inspirational to all concerned with promoting the psychological welfare of people who have endured horrific events triggered by the violence and upheaval of mankind or nature at their worst. Contributors to this set include professors from Columbia, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins universities, as well as the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the World Health Organization. A remarkable team of expert authors provides firsthand accounts from disaster survivors around the globe, enabling readers to understand the lingering trauma and mental wounds that might otherwise go unrecognized, yet last a lifetime. These are the men, women, and children whom practitioners in the new field of disaster psychology seek to heal. They include survivors of torture, terrorism, genocide attempts, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami, and other manmade or natural disasters. This set of books is the most comprehensive available resource explaining the practices and principles that have been employed, and are being employed, to heal them. foreword: Every day millions of people in the world are affected by disasters. Concern for people's mental health after disasters is a relatively recent phenomenon. Disaster psychology is a young field; practitioners and researchers alike need to learn from one another. We all need to learn from one another on how to achieve meaningful objectives in a culturally appropriate and sustainable manner in order to reduce avoidable mental and social suffering without causing harm. This handbook provides a rich collection of writings by many of the world's experts on disasters. Reading these chapters will prepare both novice and experienced practitioners for a better response. This is an important book.
(Available via licensed database.)
(No author).
Hurricane Relief Progress Report.
Catholic Charities.
This documents summarizes the assistance that Catholic Charities provided to people affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It does not specifically reference people with disabilities.
Elgie, Robert; Sapien, Robert E.; Fullerton-Gleason, Lynne.
The New Mexico School Nurse and Emergency Medical Services Emergency Preparedness Course: Program Description and Evaluation.
Journal of School Nursing.
Alliance Communications Group.
Vol. 21,
Issue 4.
Pp. 218-223.
Illness and injuries are common among students and school staff. Therefore, school nurses must be prepared. In this study, a 16-hour scenario-based emergency preparedness course for school nurses was evaluated for its effectiveness. Effectiveness was measured by (a) traditional methods (written exams and confidence surveys) and (b) skills and performance evaluations in simulated emergencies called On-site Mock Emergency Scenarios. School nurses who completed the emergency preparedness course showed significant improvement in knowledge, confidence, and On-site Mock Emergency Scenarios scores that measured each nurse's ability to apply knowledge in simulated emergencies.
(Available via licensed database.)
Perry, Ronald W.
Emergency Operations Centres in an Era of Terrorism: Policy and Management Functions.
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
Blackwell Publishing.
Vol. 11,
Issue 4.
Pp. 151-159.
The purpose of this article is to review the jurisdictional policy context of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), identify the functions performed and to describe the basic structure and operation of an EOC. Throughout the discussion, special attention is given to nontraditional functions that must be introduced into the EOC to cope with terrorism threats. The jurisdictional EOC is the centre of co-ordination, resource assembly and deployment, and management strategy in large-scale disasters. It is the place where technical emergency management directly interfaces with elected political authorities to form legitimate emergency authority and expertise. Sporadic and improvisational use of EOCs may be traced to three factors. First, large incidents that absolutely require an EOC are infrequent and small incidents can be handled with minimal EOC functionality or with the EOC functions assumed by other organisations. Second, local emergency managers sometimes take a narrow view of the jurisdictional emergency management system, failing to include needs for political concurrence with the response and citizen needs for information normally met in an EOC. Finally, many emergency managers do not fully understand the functions and structure of the EOC.
(Available via licensed database.)
Neal,W.; Kieffer,S.
Preparing pediatric home care patients for a medical emergency.
Unknown Publisher.
Vol. 17,
Issue 5.
Pp. 48-50.
Discusses the necessity that the families and providers for children with special health care needs living at home be prepared for possible medical emergencies. It is recommended that parents, physicians, and emergency medical services personnel work as a team in this endeavor.
(Available via licensed database.)
(No author).
Important Information.
Advocacy, Inc.
This document is a one-page handout written in Spanish directing people with disabilities who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina to call Advocacy, Inc.
(No author).
Emergency Preparedness.
U.S. Department of Labor: Office of Disability Employment Policy.
DisabilityInfo.gov is a comprehensive online resource designed to provide people with disabilities with quick and easy access to the information they need. With just a few clicks, the site provides access to disability-related information and programs available across the government on numerous subjects, including benefits, civil rights, community life, education, employment, housing, health, technology and transportation.