- Administration on Aging (AoA)
The (AoA), an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is one of the nation's largest providers of home- and community-based care for older persons and their caregivers. Our mission is to promote the dignity and independence of older people, and to help society prepare for an aging population.
- American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) was established to engage in the study and discussion of issues affecting aging persons.
- American Society on Aging (ASA)
“The American Society on Aging (ASA) offers a diverse array of renowned educational programming, outstanding publications and state-of-the-art information and training resources, and the largest and most dynamic network of professionals in the field of aging.”
- Caregiver.com
“Caregiver Media Group is a provider of information, support and guidance for family and professional caregivers.”
- ElderWeb
“This site is designed to be a research site for both professionals and family members looking for information on eldercare and long term care, and includes links to information on legal, financial, medical, and housing issues, as well as policy, research, and statistics.”
- Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance
“The New York State Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) provides free, confidential, accurate and unbiased health insurance information, counseling and assistance.”
- HelpAge International
“A global network of not-for-profit organizations with a mission to work with and for disadvantaged older people worldwide to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of their lives.”
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
“Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) is now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Secretary Tommy G. Thompson made the announcement on June 14, 2001. "We're making quality service the number one priority in this agency," Thompson said. "These sweeping reforms will strengthen our programs and enable our dedicated employees to better serve Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, as well as health care providers.”
- Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Aging
“The University at Buffalo RERC on Aging has an established base of investigators and professional staff, consumer and professional advisory boards, and an organizational structure to support the Center's projects.”
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Law, Health Policy & Disability Center
280-1 Boyd Law Building
Iowa City, IA 52242-1113
Phone: (319) 335-8469
TTY: (319) 353-5828
Fax: (319) 335-9764