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Disability Organizations
- Amputee Coalition of America (ACA)
The Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) is a national, non-profit amputee consumer educational organization representing people who have experienced amputation or are born with limb differences
- Amputee Resource Foundation of America
The mission is to disseminate timely and useful information, to perform charitable services, and to conduct research to enhance productivity and quality of life for amputees in America
- American Council for the Blind
The Council strives to improve the well-being of all blind and visually impaired people by: serving as a representative national organization of blind people; elevating the social, economic and cultural levels of blind people; improving educational and rehabilitation facilities and opportunities; cooperating with the public and private institutions and organizations concerned with blind services; encouraging and assisting all blind persons to develop their abilities and conducting a public education program to promote greater understanding of blindness and the capabilities of blind people
- American Foundation for the Blind
The American Foundation for the Blind is dedicated to addressing the critical issues of literacy, independent living, employment, and access through technology for the ten million Americans who are blind or visually impaired
- National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
The purpose of the National Federation of the Blind is two-fold—to help blind persons achieve self- confidence and self-respect and to act as a vehicle for collective self-expression by the blind. By providing public education about blindness, information and referral services, scholarships, literature and publications about blindness, aids and appliances and other adaptive equipment for the blind, advocacy services and protection of civil rights, development and evaluation of technology, and support for blind persons and their families, members of the NFB strive to educate the public that the blind are normal individuals who can compete on terms of equality
- Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
For more than 50 years, RFB&D has been an invaluable educational resource, enabling those with print disabilities to complete their educations, advance their careers, and gain self-esteem
- Disabled American Veterans
Formed in 1920 and chartered by Congress in 1932, the million-member DAV is the official voice of America's service-connected disabled veterans -- a strong, insistent voice that represents all of America's 2.1 million disabled veterans, their families and survivors
- Easter Seals Project ACTION
Our mission: accessible community transportation in our nation. America is home to more that 54 million people with disabilities who work, play, shop, vote, pursue an education, raise families, and volunteer in their communities
- Epilepsy Foundation
The Epilepsy Foundation is a national, charitable organization, founded in 1968 as the Epilepsy Foundation of America
- National Council on Disability (NCD)
The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities
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Contact |
Law, Health Policy & Disability Center
280-1 Boyd Law Building
Iowa City, IA 52242-1113
Phone: (319) 335-8469
TTY: (319) 353-5828
Fax: (319) 335-9764