Disability Support Programs

Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid Buy-In, and Transportation

  1. Creating Collaborative Relationships with Vocational Rehabilitation
    Download: SSA_Work_Incentives.ppt (PowerPoint presentation)
  2. Collaboration with Vocational Rehabilitation Beyond Co-location: Working Together to Meet Employment Objectives
    Download: Vocational_Rehabilitation.ppt (PowerPoint presentation)
  3. Provisions in the Workforce Investment Act Describing the Interplay between Workforce Investment Systems and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
    Download: WIA_prov_1.doc
  4. State Contacts for State Vocational Rehabilitation Providers, Centers for Independent Living and Independent Living Councils
    Download: State_Contacts.doc
  5. Medicaid Buy-In: Understanding the Basics
    Download: Medicaid_buy-in.ppt (PowerPoint presentation)
  6. Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities
    Download: Transportation.ppt (PowerPoint presentation)