Asset Accumulation and Tax Policy Project (AATPP)

The Goal

The Asset Accumulation and Tax Policy Project (AATPP) is a project funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). AATPP unites organizations serving persons with disabilities with credit unions and other financial institutions to produce groundbreaking research on barriers and opportunities of tax and public policies. The research and accompanying policy recommendations will improve the economic independence, social empowerment, and community integration of persons with disabilities.

The Collaborators

The Law, Health Policy, and Disability Center (LHPDC) at the University of Iowa College of Law, in collaboration with Southern New Hampshire University School of Community Economic Development, the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions, the World Institute on Disability, and the National Cooperative Bank Development Corporation are developing and disseminating a new and comprehensive body of knowledge to multiple target audiences nationwide.

The Project

This five-year project, ending October 31, 2008, unites LHPDC and its partners in examining the potential of tax policy and asset accumulation to improve the economic stability of people with disabilities. The impact of financial education, matched savings accounts, expanded financial services, and increased use of state and federal tax incentives for asset and community economic development is being explored across six states and ten pilot demonstration sites.

The AATPP research and outreach extend beyond traditional boundaries of employment, education, and health care academia. It examines a new frontier of asset development strategies as a way to advance economic and personal freedom and full community participation of people with disabilities.

The Key Questions

AATPP is 100% funded by U.S. Department of Education grant #H133A031732

Project Proposal


Related Information

Equity Newsletter

Key Personnel

Law, Health Policy & Disability Center

World Institute on Disability

Southern New Hampshire University

Community Development Credit Union Corporations