Fall 2001
The first semester has been devoted primarily to the preparation and discussion of corporate culture in a large technology corporation. Aspects of the products developed during the first semester will be reviewed by the IT company and then published in several formats. See the Seminar web site page for more detailed information on fall activities.
During the fall we also studied various research methods and to the management of a complex research project and document management system. We discussed qualitative and quantitative research techniques. As noted below, during the spring semester we hope that you will build on this learning in applying these research techniques to your legal and policy research papers.
Spring 2002
The first seminar class will be on Monday, January 14th, at the 11:30 AM meeting time at the Melrose house. Note, given the ambitious scope of the Spring semester projects and presentations, we will meet from 11:30 - 2 PM on Mondays, with the individual project conferences referenced below scheduled separately. If there are conflicts with that time, we will reschedule to a mutually acceptable time.
For those law students interested in completing writing credits immediately [i.e., that you need to graduate in December] please contact us for topics or to assess current writing status.
Otherwise, during the second semester of the seminar, each of you will prepare and present legal research and policy briefs or papers [writing credits to be granted meeting law school requirements] on topics agreed to in advance. The topics will relate to disability law and policy, including employment, welfare reform, technology, secondary education and job training, public and private sector initiatives.
The research papers should be both legally rigorous and relevant to the lives of people with disabilities in Iowa or nationally. We will attempt to solicit representative feedback and topics of immediate importance and concern to local disability advocates. During the semester, and outside of seminar meeting times, students will meet with Blanck and Sandler for three to five individualized conferences on their brief and paper development.
At the end of the semester, the goal is for the student policy briefs and papers to be presented on the Center's web site, particularly in ways that are enhanced by web site presentation such as with links to similar sites or databases. Students will be evaluated on the quality of their legal, and/or policy analysis, writing, class presentations, and presentation of final project in paper and web-based formats as appropriate. Writing credit will be awarded in accordance with law school requirements. Putting the paper on the web will be the responsibility of Center staff, not students. Lastly, we renew our invitation for students to suggest and/or present topics for brown-bag or formal seminar discussions.