Moderator: Michael Morris
RRTC on Workforce Investment and Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities
Pote and Hazel Coleman
Career Advancement Center
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Partington (invited)
Island Human Resource Investment Council
information about other audio conferences in this series or to listen to the
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Michael Morris: Hi everyone. This is Michael Morris and I am the Project Director for the Research and Training Center on Workforce Investment and Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities, which is with the Law, Health Policy and Disability Center at the University of Iowa College of Law.
This audio conference today is our sixth conference call, audio conference in a serious of seven. We have been having these monthly, going all the way back to January on different topics that relate to Leadership Challenges on Employment Policy. Today's call relates to the Workforce Investment Act and particularly focused on coordination strategies that work. For those of you, who have not been a part of these calls in previous months, let me say we will spend about the first hour in presentations from our panelists. We will then open up to questions and we will tell you at that point and time how you can go about queuing up to ask a question. Our interest is that you identify yourself perhaps where you are located, or if you are connected with an agency or organization, tell us a little bit about who you are and tell us whether you want to direct the question to a single panel member or the entire panel.
This call today comes at a very interesting time. The issues of the Workforce Investment Act were just discussed at length last week in Washington DC, where the US Department of Labor held a public forum on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities seeking access and participation in the Workforce Development system. There were probably over 250 individuals who came to Washington DC and participated in the forum, which lasted approximately four hours. Many issues came up during that forum that perhaps will be topics of discussion today. Certainly key, is the issues of coordination between the many systems that tough and support persons with disabilities who are job seekers, or seeking to improve their employment status in the workplace.
The three panelist that we have brought together for you today represent three of what is now 46 Work Incentive Grants which have been funded by the Employment and Training Administration of the US Department of Labor. The first group was funded almost a year and half ago. The second group, a second set of 23 projects were funded just about a month ago and now bring these projects at a statewide level. Some are at a local or area level to activities that are focus on access; equal opportunity and systems change to promote improved services and employment outcomes for persons with disabilities in over 30 states across the county.
Let me introduce our first speaker who is from the first group of Work Incentive Grantees, Michelle Morehouse, who is with the Alaska Division of Vocation Rehabilitation. Michelle, why don' t you take it away from there.
Michelle Morehouse: Ok, thanks. Hello everyone. I'd like to say a special hello to everyone who is on the line from Alaska and thank all of you for all the work that you have done, because all of the strategies that I'll be speaking about today would not have been successful without the collaboration of the different grant staff and the job center staff that have been involved from the get-go.
So, as Michael mentioned, Alaska was one of the first initial twenty-three states to receive funding for the Department of Labor Work Incentive Grant. I will talk a little bit about the grant; just initially and then get into some of the overall Workforce Investment Act collaboration strategies that we have been involved in. Our grant is better known as the WIG. So, if I refer to the WIG that is what you are hearing about.
In Alaska the grant was awarded to the state of Alaska
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, which is run through the state's
Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
Our WIG employs three full time staff members. I coordinate the project and then we also have two-resource
specialist, Rich Sanders and Loretta Harvey work in job centers in semi-rural
locations in Alaska, which are the Matanuska Valley, and in the Kenai Peninsula. Their role within the job centers to provide training and
technical assistance on disability and employment issues. They are kind of like the disability
specialists within the job center and then also they provide outreach and
training on job center services to the disability communities, so that the
disability community knows that a job center is a service that is there for
Our Work Incentive Grant was
written with the goal of having statewide employment impact on people with all
types of disabilities, which is pretty tricky in Alaska due to just the sheer
size of our state. Alaska is 1/5 of the
size of the combined lower 48 states and 2 1/2 times larger than Texas. Sorry Texas. But on the flip side, Alaska's population is only 622,000. So, for providing services and doing
outreach, our large size and small population makes it translate into lots of
people and communities who are pretty tough to reach. But, fortunately for those providing those services and outreach,
well over half of Alaskans live in the three largest communities of Anchorage,
Fairbanks and Juneau.
In trying to make some changes on
a statewide level, one thing that Alaska WIG has really going for us is the
collaboration with other statewide grants.
Alaska first received the RSA, Rehabilitation Services Administration
Systems Change grant and since then received the WIG, the Medicaid
Infrastructure Grant and also the Social Security Benefits Planning Assistance
and Outreach Grant. So, with the
Systems Change Grant, the RSA Systems Change Grant placed initially, the
proposals for the rest of the grants were written to build and expand upon the
efforts that had already begun there.
For instance, the RSA grant had
hired a statewide business development specialist and also three resource
specialists to work in job centers. One
each in Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Juneau, which are our three largest
communities. The WIG was written then
to expand on those positions by adding resource specialists to those other two
communities that I mentioned to Wasilla, which is in the Matsu Valley and in
Kenai on the Kenai Peninsula. So then,
when the WIG resource specialists were introduced, there was by the time a
really good idea for what their roles would be in and how they would be
effectively work within the job centers to enhance employment opportunities for
Alaskans with disabilities.
The four grants, the Work
Incentive Grant, the Systems Change, the Medicaid Infrastructure and the Social
Security Benefits Planning Grant have really bonded together and we
collectively call ourselves the Alaska Works Initiative, so I will refer a
little bit here too. All of the grants
staff use and share information via a joint Intranet site, which has been a good
model for us for collaboration. Through
the site, the grant staff completes summaries of the things that they are
working on in their communities of their goals and action plans of the major
projects they are working on. That way
other grant staff are able to just log on and look at what other people are up
to stimulate ideas for their own communities.
We communicate all the time via e-mail and phone, collaborate all the
time and try to meet at least twice a year which is tricky because we are all
really far away from each other in this huge state.
Now, I guess I would just like
mention a few of the major projects of the Work Incentive Grant, and then speak
specifically to the topic of the WA coordination strategies that the Alaska
Works Initiative staff as a whole have been involved in. We have several specific goals in the effort
to enhance employment opportunities for Alaskans with disabilities and most of
them really deal with the job centers.
First of all we are completing a statewide assessment of the assistive
technology that's available in the job centers and that's going to be resulting
in recommendations for the assistive technology that should be in place for the
job centers along with suggestions for implementation and training schedules
for the One-Stop job centers.
Another focus is a rural economic
development in Alaska. As I mentioned
we have lots of people and communities that are pretty tricky to reach. So, the Work Incentive Grant is working with
two of Alaska's nine Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation programs to encourage
economic development in those areas, by awarding grants to businesses to
purchase equipment they feel is necessary for the expansion of their businesses
in exchange for those businesses committing to hire people with disabilities
for an extended period of time. This
kind of program can be really successful in some of the rural villages where
people might have to travel by snow mobile, boat or airplane to get to the
nearest village with a Laundromat, which is not a stretch, actually that is a
true situation.
Our grant is also involved in
helping to develop a system of quality assurance around statewide benefits
counseling services and will be to assist in the procurement of these benefits
counseling services for job seekers with disabilities who may not have an
alternative source of funding to obtain benefits counseling. We'll be also publishing a reference manual
for use by statewide job center and One-Stop job center staff which will
contain information about local agencies that serve people with disabilities
and advice about where to obtain necessary accommodations or supportive
services for those people with disabilities.
The reference manual is going to be disseminated to One-Stop job center
staff and then we hope also to post it up on the state of Alaska website.
So, although the WIG and all the
grants in the Alaska Works Initiative have a disability and employment focus
for the topic of WIA coordination in specific, I'd like to speak to the overall
coordination strategies that the grant staff have been involved in. We definitely believe that increased
collaboration and communication will enhance services for all job center
customers including customers who experience disabilities. So, keep in mind that while grant staff are
involved in these more general WIA coordination strategies, they are
continually working to infuse disability and accessibility issues within these
efforts. I also just need to mention
that on the website where you are able to download a few pieces of information,
they were listed as prepared by Michelle Morehouse. I need to give
credit where credit is due because those documents were submitted by me and in
part prepared by me, but also it was a collaborative effort between all the
Alaska Works Initiative grants that those materials have come from. We are just a collaborating group all the
Ok, so I mentioned that we have
staff at job centers. So, the Alaska
Works Initiative staff has staff that are actually in five of our ten largest
communities at the One-Stop job centers.
Four of the five resource specialists are actually housed right in their
community job centers and then the fifth resource specialist and also the
statewide business development specialist work on a really regular basis out of
the job centers. All six of the staff
are really involved in different committees at their job centers and committees
like the partner agency manager work groups that generally meet on the monthly
basis. Several of the staff are
involved in marketing committees, on training committees, and also in the local
advisory committees which are made up of employers who offer guidance and
counsel to the job centers in better serving the business community.
So, these different committees focus on overall job center issues that obviously vary depending on the goals of the particular committee, but some of them have grown into much larger job center efforts. Like, marketing committees have developed outstanding job fair efforts. Our resource specialists in Kenai was key in putting together a seam for the Kenai job fair at the job center and they called it the Jaws Survival Challenge to kind of be a spin-off the popular TV show Survivor. So, JAWS was job and work search. They had a little competition where people needed to complete a few things like prepare a resume, do interviews, and then visit three different employers at the job fair. If they passed off each of those job survivor challenges they were up for a prize. So, different things like that, the job center committees have definitely helped to develop.
Also, our grant staff has in some
cases instigated brand new committees.
The accessibility in ADA committee in the Matanuska/Sioux Valley was kind of reinstated by
the resource specialist there. In those
cases they have definitely been made an effort to include community people in
those committees so that those committees will have a life beyond the life of
the grants once the grant funding has been complete.
So, definitely the staff at the
job centers and building relationships within the job centers has been really
important. That helped us last fall
when the first Alaska annual Workforce Investment Act Conference was held. I think in large part due to those
relationships that we built, we were able to have presentations at that
conference from four Alaska works initiatives staff and also nine vocational
rehabilitation staff, as well as the Kenai address from a nationally renown disability advocate. And that was
attended by 400, over 400 statewide job center staff attended that. That was really successful.
Another one that you actually have
some things on that were downloadable materials is the passport training system
that has been put together by the Matanuska/Sioux Valley training committee which is chaired by our resource
specialist there. The Passport training
program, if you have downloaded it, what you were able to download was actually
the Passport itself. If you weren't
able to download it, it is a tri-fold kind of brochure thing that has five
different questions about the major functions of the major partner agencies
involved in that job center along with a spot for a little stamp. What this is aimed at doing is to increase
staff awareness of the basic information on each partner agency and also to
increase inner agency communication and collaboration.
So, how this works is each staff member gets a passport and they also get an answer sheet that actually has the answers to the different questions on the passport. Then, they must make an appointment with someone from each of those partner agencies, preferably someone that they don’t know well so that they can increase their knowledge of the different people in the different agencies. They meet with those people, discuss the different questions and then are able to get a stamp from that partner agency. So, once the passport has all the stamps then the training is complete. They have estimated that the training would take about 2 1/2 hours. The cool thing about this I think is that it's going to be updated every six months, so with infusion of any kind of new policies or different things that are happening at the job centers, the questions will be able to change on the passport. I would anticipate that there may be questions coming up in the next round about the Ticket to Work for the DVR portion of the passport. So, just another example of inter-agency collaboration, and training through which disability issues have definitely been infused.
Another inner agency training that
has been really successful that you don't have anything to download about that
has a bit of a larger focus, is the training academy. Alaska has two Workforce Investment areas. The Anchorage/Matsu Workforce Investment
area, and then the balance of state, which is exactly what is sounds like, its
just the entire rest of the state. Now,
within the Anchorage/Matsu Workforce Investment area, a collaborative group of
partner agency staff, including Alaska Works Initiative staff developed a
training for frontline staff within the One-Stop job centers of the entire
area. The first of which those
training's occurred two years ago this month actually. I just looked back and found that out, so
that was kind of cool. The training
originated as a two-day training and it consisted of lots of networking and
activities with the aim of getting people used to the philosophy of the
Workforce Investment Act, the whole "no wrong door" and
"seamless service" ideas. It
was also a chance to provide introductions to partner agencies and their roles,
who they serve and who would be really effective candidates to refer to them
for service. The goals was to hold this
two-day training quarterly until all frontline staff within the Anchorage/Matsu
Workforce Investment area had attended. Since the training has been going on
quarterly for two years, it is has now transitioned a little bit--people have a
pretty good idea now about the whole WIA philosophy. So, it transitioned a little bit into incorporating some more
soft skills material such as counseling skills and those types of things.
Considering the really high
turnover rate for employees in the area, the plans are to continue holding the
training quarterly. Also to hopefully
allow for its evolution to maintain effectiveness in the needs of the staff in
the job center in providing effective service for all job seekers, including
those with disabilities.
The training academy has been so successful actually within
the Anchorage/Matsu Workforce
Investment area that the balances of state, all the rest of Alaska, have voiced
an interest in expanding the training academy statewide. So, the core group has now received a grant,
they have received some funding to introduce the training academy statewide
through both onsite and distance consultation with job centers throughout the
balance of state workforce investment area.
So, how is my time? I've got a co-worker here helping me with
I have one more thing I wanted to
mention and that’s one thing that you were also able to download some stuff on,
and that's the strategic planning process that was developed in mostly by our
resource specialists in the Fairbanks One-Stop job center, Jim Kretchman. Having staff
working right in the job centers has been just so eye-opening.
One of the things that we've
definitely noticed and something that is probably not lost on other people who
work in the job centers as well is that depending on who you ask, whether you
ask managers or front-line job center staff, the idea of what the issues and
main concerns in the job centers will really differ along with what the good
potential solutions to those concerns might be. They differ depending on who you might ask. So, noting this the resource specialist in
Fairbanks brought the idea to the manager group that he would pull together a
group of frontline staff to do a strategic planning session with those staff to
give them a chance to really brainstorm.
How is the job center working?
What are things that would work better for us and how would our jobs be
made easier and what are solutions to these different types of problems? What you've got on your downloadable
documents are the agenda, a sample agenda that has been used and also a kind of
a memo that has been sent out to the staff who attend the strategic planning
So, getting the buy-in, so to
speak, of the managers has been really important from the get-go so that any
kind of solutions and things that come forth from the strategic planning
session are really met with open ears on the managers side when their presented
and that has been really successful in the two places where we've put together
the strategic planning session so far.
When one piece, the memo that goes out to the staff that tries to help them
get the feel for what this is suppose to be.
One of paragraphs I think that's really helpful is that it states,
"try to come to this process with an open mind, we’re only creating
suggestions to present to your managers, we are not writing policy. There is no need to defend your program or
the status quo. No jobs will be lost
and no programs discontinued." The
two places where this has been held have both been held offsite, away from the
job center. At a very, well, we have
all these gorgeous spots in Alaska to hold these kinds of things. One was overlooking the ocean; the other was
overlooking a whole range of mountains.
I don't recall if there were grizzly bears hanging out in the background
or not, but they've both been a very picturesque settings and it's been very
comfortable. People have generally
seemed very comfortable in sharing information and thoughts about what would
be, what are concerns and what would be potential solutions.
So, then once all that information
has been gathered, it's presented back to the managers in hopes of looking at
some real localized solutions to the issues that they've pinpointed. So far, it was pioneered in Fairbanks. It's been replicated in Juneau. There are plans to replicate the process on
the Kenai Peninsula,
and it's also been requested in other areas of the state because of the success
that it's seen. Interestingly, the top
issues of the first two sessions in Fairbanks and in Juneau. The top issues that have been vocalized by
the frontline job center staff generally a group of ten or twelve have been
identical. Although their solutions may
be different because they are very localized solutions, a lot of the specific
things are quite similar.
So, those are the things that I
wanted to share. The strategic
planning, the training academy, the passport training, and just the working
right within the job centers and hopefully those are some hand-on things you
might be able to use in your areas and welcome any questions.
Michael Morris: Thank you Michelle. That’s a wonderful presentation of both
strategies and some of the results from the activities in Alaska to bring
people together across agencies and begins to really operationalize the
opportunities for coordination and collaboration. Let me share with everyone on this audio-conference that if you
have not looked at the website where Michelle mentions several of these
documents are available and you can download them. It is and that is the
website for the Law, Health Policy and Disability Center. When you go to that site, you will see on
the left side where you can touch on your screen, materials related to the
Leadership Challenges on Employment Policy audio-conference series and that
will take you to these materials that Michelle has referenced.
Michelle, I want to ask you just
one question before we move along to the other speakers. People talk about coordination and
collaboration and really the strategic planning agenda that you shared with us
really helps get people outside, just thinking about their own agency and what
they are doing and about turfs and control.
The big question, and I suspect it is one that you will continue to work
on during the life of this grant and well beyond it, goes beyond coordination
to issues of sharing costs. Have those
been discussed in the strategic planning meetings and if they are beginning to
make any headway in terms of the way agencies can share in the cost to support
a job seeker with a disability that’s coming to the One-Stop center?
Michelle Morehouse: No.
Michael Morris: Ok.
Michelle Morehouse: The
answer no has not been something that we have been discussed during the
strategic planning. In Alaska they have
a cost allocation kind of committee that works on those kinds of things. You are right, that is something that we
will continue to work on and what we wanted to focus on the strategic planning
thing for the frontline staff was things that they could offer direct solutions
for and I think they feel pretty separated from those kinds of decisions.
Michael Morris: And in terms of just the process
of coordination, are there at this point beginning to be some new approaches or
strategies that are actually coming from those strategic planning meetings and
beginning to be implemented?
Michelle Morehouse: I tell you
what, we have just had the first two have been within the last four months or
so, and so the information is going back to the mangers. I know in Juneau, they have put it on their
monthly manager work-group meeting schedule to discuss the different solutions
that came up at those monthly meetings so they are actively working on
implementing some of those solutions. I
have information on what the actual issues that were pinpointed and some of the
solutions that were generated if that if of interest to anyone.
Michael Morris: That would be great if you share
it back with us, we can then put that up on the website too. The one other point, just to acknowledge
again, with what you've been able to accomplish in Alaska, like in many states
there are a lot of different demonstration and systems change grants that are
available now. Alaska has done well in
garnering these funds from, as you mentioned SSA, Social Security
Administration, and RSA, as well as the Department of Labor. One other thing that you mentioned, which I
think is really important is that your regular meeting and also you have the
internet system online so that the key project staff, regardless of what their
funding stream is, because you have common goals are regularly
communicating. These are not separate
activities, you are really able to keep up to date on what you are doing, even
in a state the size of Alaska, and I think that that's an important strategy
for other states that are participating on the call. Anything you might add about that process?
Michelle Morehouse: You
know the only thing, well, we do, we communicate all the time. It's just been outstanding. One of the cool things, or in my opinion, I
used to work for the RSA Systems Change Grant as a Resource Specialist before I
entered into this coordinator position for the Work Incentive Grant, so it was
such a smooth transition and just a surety that we would all continue to
collaborate. Two weeks ago, we all met
and had a three day retreat in planning and making sure that we are not
duplicating efforts. It just makes
things so much easier. We are planning
our implementation, the different roles that we are going to be taking on for the
implementation for the Ticket. Since we
are a second year rollout state, and the communication we have had has just
been vital to making sure that those roles make sense with each other and make
for a smooth implementation of the Ticket for the customer.
Michael Morris: That's
great. Let me cut off here at this
point, just to make sure we get the in time with the other speakers and then we
will certainly let the audience ask additional questions of you, but thank you
very much for your presentation.
Let me turn next to Kathleen
Partington, who is with the Rhode Island Human Resources Investment
Counsel. They also were a first round
Work Incentive Grantee, they are working statewide in Rhode Island. It will take us obviously moving from one
part of the country perhaps this is a teleconference of extremes. You probably can go from the largest state
to certainly Rhode Island as one of the smallest ones, but the issues of
coordination are still there. We are
pleased that you are able to join us, so Kathleen, can you share with us some
of your experiences in Rhode Island?
Kathleen Partington: Absolutely. Thank you so much.
Certainly it is a pleasure here in Rhode Island to join the
conference. We know we have made a lot
of news in the past week here in Rhode Island.
It hasn't been for our grant.
Hopefully our mail be utilized in the network Rhode Island system.
But first off, Michelle, your
presentation was great. As different as
we are as states, we have an awful lot in common, with the exception of how far
you have to travel to see each other and the Internet being very
important. We just have to turn here in
Rhode Island and you know the person next to you. So, collaboration has been the word of the day for us too.
I thought what I would do is give
a brief history of our One-Stop system and how we got to be where we are today
and the impact hat the grants has have on us in terms of collaboration. Then to highlight, a few of the key
strategies that really emphasize that collaboration.
We received One-Stop
Implementation grants back in 1997 to build our system. We built six centers. The name of our network is Network Rhode
Island. Going back that far, if I can
remember, collaboration was the name of the day. I think that is what we called it then, collaboration. As I sat and looked around the table, I'm
not sure if it was more fighting at the time, but certainly it's growing into a
lot of wonderful relationships of over the past five years.
In the beginning when we first
built the system, we put together a state-wide steering committee, which was
comprised of the leadership of workforce development agencies in the state came
and sat around the table to design this system adhering to the federal guiding
principles that were put into place.
Some of the important plates are on the table with the Department of
Labor and Training, who I do work for.
The Human Resource Investment Counsel, as Mike mentioned, was a
recipient of our grant here in Rhode Island.
We have the administrative entity, and that is who I work for, the
Office of Rehabilitation Services, the Department of Human Services, the
Department of Education, Economic Development, Department of Education. They all came together in a happy way to put
this system together.
In addition to the steering
committee, and I want to emphasize how important serving people with
disabilities was right from the very beginning and important to those of us who
have really never served customers with disabilities in a way that organizations
like Office of Rehabilitation Services had.
One of the key things the committee did in the very beginning was put
together what they called the disability advisory group, who at the time, was
made up of people with disabilities.
They issues a report to help us build a One-Stop system that would be
inclusive and welcoming to people with disabilities and that was very valuable
five years ago and we used it as we wrote the Work Incentive Grant as
well. They talked about things like the
design of the center's customer flow, assistive technology that they would like
to see in the centers. So, we really
adhered to that back in the very beginning all those years ago. Each center as it was built, we have six,
and as I say here in Rhode Island, to go from one center to the other only take
about fifteen minutes and only takes about 45 minutes to get from one end of
the state to the other.
Each state also has local site
teams that guided the implementation and the site teams were made up of partner
managers of each of the investing partners in Network Rhode Island. So, with all that collaboration right in the
beginning we began to build our system.
We had put together a plan for both job seekers, and employers, and
information seekers back at that time. But,
I think what happened, and I'm sure a lot of you can relate to this in building
our system. Like I said, we had a plan
for job seekers, we had a plan for employers, but what really happened as you
respond to the customer of the day, which is the people coming through the door
and job seeker. So an awful lot of
focus went into that during implementation in the first years of opening our
One-Stop system in addition to building the infrastructure.
In addition to using the
disability advisory report, we also had input from the Governor's Commission on
Disability, disabilities who did walk through of our centers and issued reports
as well as what they would like to see in the centers. We provided front-line training to our staff
in terms of the assistive technology and how to work with customers with
disabilities. That training was done by
people themselves who themselves had disabilities, which was very beneficial to
all of the management and staff.
So, that's kind of our beginning,
that's kind our history, but this point I'd like to highlight one of the key
collaborative relationships at that time.
I'd like to give an awful lot of credit here in Rhode Island to the
Office of Rehabilitation Services. I
talked about the Disability Advisory Report and the cooperation of the
Governor's Commission on Disabilities, but it was through efforts of the Office
of Rehabiliation Services, and a strong partnership with the Department of
Labor and Training. Previous to that, I
think that we had always worked well together, but I can see things from the
Department of Labor and Training that truly didn't understand their world until
we had gotten together. Now I know how
to speak their language. My boss is
always reminding me who I do work for, that it is not the Office of
Rehabilitation Services, but the Department of Labor and Training. But, a lot of great relationships and what
we call fighting back in the beginning is now turned into an awful lot of
respect as we move forward with the TWWIIA inspired grant.
Moving to the next phase, when the
grants came along it was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to stop. We had all sat around the table back in the
early years in the steering committee, but to get back together again and take
a look at the system that we built and to take a look at a look at it of all of
our customers and particularly with these grants and how we are serving
customers with disabilities. What have
we accomplished in the first years, what needed to be done in the future? Under
the One-Stop implementation grant, it was felt that we really created a really
nice system for people with disabilities as the project manager at Network
Rhode Island, I was really proud of what we had done. When we finished building the system, the staff put together a
pledge for each center and it was really interesting to see all this partner
staff come together and use works in their pledge like "welcoming"
and "acceptable", things that they probably wouldn't have done prior
to these collaborative relationships.
We took a look at our technology.
And in the centers in general, but bottom line, as result of all the
hard work that we did, were more people with disabilities using the
centers? And more important than that
were people with disabilities getting jobs?
As I said earlier, we focused a
lot on the job seeker and as we look back, we thought now may be the prefect
opportunity to start collaborate with the employer community as we looked over
the system. As the ORS staff, the
Officer Rehabilitation Services staff were in the centers, we also felt like
Alaska, it was very interesting to listen to you speak about the Disability
Resource Specialist and we have a great deal in common there. While we have ORS staff on centers, we felt
we needed more expertise at the front line as people come through the
door. We had a lot of assistive
technology and if it is not used on a regular basis, then we need an expert in
that area as well. To help our
customers to maneuver, not just as a complex Workforce Development system, but
as someone from the outside in the disability world, the Medicaid/Medicare
system as well.
We spend a great deal of time with
the steering committee as I look back for the One-Stop implementation grant,
talking about marketing. Some of our
more serious conversations revolved around how we were going to market a system
that was universal. One of our
strongest supporters of people with disabilities was Diane Cook from the Office of Rehabilitation Services who sat on the
steering committee that people with disabilities should be inclusive in our
marketing campaign. Well, low and
behold, that didn't happen. She was the
strongest supporter for that, but it didn't happen in the beginning, but it was
time to look at that again under the grant and we did look at it.
The other thing is, we created the
system back in the beginning for people with disabilities and we gave people
with disabilities a voice in helping us to create that system. I didn't know how important that was then,
but I do now. So, as we looked over the
system, we want to continue to give people with the disabilities a voice as we
improve on the system, but we think that it is important that they have a voice
at the policy level, at the board level and at the state WIB level. So, that's even a little bit more about our
history as we move forward. I think
here in Rhode Island, we are really pleased to participate in this panel
particularly because collaboration has been so important to us in terms of
setting up a system and then again as now we sit around the table to work on
the grant.
Like Alaska, we received all four
grants: the Systems Change Grant, the Work Incentives Grant, and the Benefits
Planning Grants. We also received a
Demonstration Grant for folks with Multiple Sclerosis, who are currently in the
workforce with hopes of keeping them in the workforce. But, we are looking for backing with our
state legislature and we are not being too successful at that point in that area.
So, what I would like to concentrate
on now is the key strategy of the Work Incentive Grant. We entitled all four grants here in Rhode
Island, the Roads to Independence Grant, capitalizing on our Rhode Island
theme. Particularly with the Work
Incentive Grant, being Work on the Road to Independence. I've emphasized that the partnership
relationship we have had with the Office of Rehab Services and we really think
that that developed over the years and we hope that will move forward and
institutionalize in the network Rhode Island system. As I look out on the partner staff I think that is already
happening. But we know that we need a
lot more than to be truly successful in getting people with disabilities back
to work.
So, one of the key strategies in
the grant was what we call an Employer Service Network Plan. When we first got together as a steering
committee for One-Stops, we had written a plan for employer services, but like
I said earlier, that got put on the back burner while we serve the job
seeker. The TWWIIA inspired grant gave
us the perfect opportunity to take that plan out, dust that plan off and do
what we had to do to implement it. When
we first sat around the table it was state agencies that, a subcommittee of our
steering committee that wrote that plan.
We took it out and dusted it off, we said collaboration was important
then, but we need to expand that collaboration in serving the employer
community. So sometime ago, probably
last July or August, we put a committee together that included collaboration
far more than we had envisioned when we first put One-Stops together. We didn’t' just include state agencies
anymore; we included community rehabilitation programs, organization that I
hadn't really been involved with previously.
Rhode Island College and the Sherlock Disability Center were involved
and other employer groups and local community based organizations, who came
together to take a look at that plan.
It needed a lot of dusting off and a lot of cleaning up. In fact, we rewrote it and we now call it
the Employer Service Member Agreement.
I do believe that we have posted that on the Iowa website as well.
What it is, is a network, it’s
kind of like a little club you can join.
No fee at all. Members of the
organization sign a document to become a member of the organization. What it is really a formal affiliation of
Workforce and Economic Development professionals all offering a variety of
services to these employers. The purpose
of the agreement, the purpose of the organization is to add value, reduced a
lot of waste and continuing proof of Rhode Islands capacity to connect people,
employers, jobs, education and services.
If you take a look at what we've posted on the website, the member
agreement, basically what it is that organizations agree to follow certain
protocols in serving the employer community and I am sure all the states out
there, much like us, even though we are tiny and we only have to walk a short
distance to each employer here in Rhode Island, we have a lot of people
knocking on the same door that provide employment and training services,
whether it's from state agencies, or from local organizations, economic
development agencies. We felt there
needed to be a streamline service in serving the employer, if we were going to
be successful in getting people with disabilities jobs.
So, the employer service networks
are connected to the Network Rhode Island system. We have regional networks that meet on a regular basis that are
connected with each center. Small
groups that meet and are lead by the Department of Labor and Training Employer
Service Reps.. They are comprised of
job developments, professionals in that local area. They are members of the employer service network and it provides
an opportunity for these local professionals who serve not only customers what
disabilities, but all of our customers in the Network Rhode Island system, so
that they can network together. They
share job leads, which before was a big no-no here in Rhode Island, sharing
those job leads, that was a tough thing to do.
They hear from local employers what their employment needs are, what
their hiring needs are and about professional development opportunities as
If you take a look at the
agreement, what is does is define certain standards and protocols that if you
are going to join our little club, that you have to follow when you sign on the
dotted line. One, is that you agree
that there will be a lead point of contact out of all those organization who
will serve the employer community, represent the employer service network,
represent Network Rhode Island and the member organizations as well and to know
a lot about those organizations. They
also will agree to standards and principals that are based on the guiding
principles that we are all familiar with, universality, customer choice
integration and accountability.
Outlined in the agreement are ethical and professional standards to be
followed by all the organizations and Network Rhode Island in general. Job and screening, job referral and screening
standards and professional development opportunities.
A little bit about where we are
now. We started that process in
rewriting the plans sometime, I think around last July. We submitted the plans to, just that we
wanted a lot of bias because we think that people with disabilities need a
voice at the state and local board level so we went to those boards with this
plan. It was approved by local boards
and the state Human Resource Investment Counsel, then, my co-coordinator on the
grant, Diana, I took it out to the community and did road shows to the various
community based organizations to community rehabilitation programs, to explain
what the employer service network was, to get them to sign on. So, we completed that process sometime in
September then we offered what we call the two-day immersion training for job
development professionals in the network and we brought in the community. We brought in community rehabilitation
programs and job development professionals who work for those organizations. We conduced that training in November. It was really successful in terms of
collaboration to see community groups and state organizations sitting in the
same room, meeting each other, networking, folks with disabilities did
presentations and we just conducted a two-day immersion training that finishes
up this afternoon about 4:00, because the first one was so successful. And getting people to agree that we had to
streamline services to employers.
Right now we have 42 organizations
signed on, which we are really, really proud of in such a short period of time,
because we didn't push that out until sometime after the holidays, so we've
been very fortunate over the past six months to see that kind of success. We currently have three employer service networks
up and running, three regional groups up and running that have been very
successful. They are getting back to us
on how happy they are to be part of the group to be networking with each other
and actually reporting that people with disabilities are getting jobs because
of the fact that they share in job leads.
So, as I look back over the five
years, the employer piece was an important piece that had been, not left out,
but by necessity, we didn't concentrate on it in the beginning. We are really grateful to have received
these grants and had the opportunity to expand our collaboration, not just
among state agencies, but local organizations as well. As I said earlier, all four grants we've
entitled Roads to Independence.
I would like to highlight one
more, just very brief collaboration, and it's really on the four grants in
general. Once again it’s the steering
committee that we've put together made up of the project managers of all four
grants, we've brought in employers, customers with disabilities as well as the
Department of Transportation here in Rhode Island, because that's such a huge
issue. As small as we are, for some
reason people can't get from one place to the other and we really need to help
with the Department of Transportation. So,
we've brought them to the table as well.
So, those are some of our key
strategies as the result of receiving the Work Incentives grant. A few of the other things that we are doing
under the grant very similar to Alaska.
We hired four disability resource specialists that has turned out to be
very successful. Hired them by the
Department of Labor and Training. They
work in two of our comprehensive centers here in the state and two wove around
the other four centers serving our customers with disabilities.
In addition, marketing as I said
earlier, has been a key piece, once again bringing partners around the table to
discuss our marketing strategy. We are
bringing in focus groups that are being made up of the local community
organizations that serve people with disabilities and asking them what heir
thoughts are. We have offered to them,
to take a look at their marketing materials, we've hired a marketing consultant
to, not just enhance our materials, but to take a look at the marketing
materials for the community based organizations and often to modify their
materials and to connect them to Network Rhode Island in some fashion. So they will be working on that as
Another grant strategy is for us
to connect to those organizations as hard to believe as it is. Some of them who don't have computers or
access to the Internet that we will be purchasing as a match to many of those
organizations to provide computers and Internet access so that we can all communicate
together and better connect the Network Rhode Island system.
So, in the bottom line, we really
hope that we think we did a great job at the beginning creating a welcoming
system, but the grants are going to help us really further the system for
people with disabilities. It's amazing
to see how far we've come. I think the staff, when they first wrote their
pledge all those years ago and promised to create a welcoming and accessible
for people with disabilities, also wrote in there that they hope that our
customers, especially our customers with disabilities will find Network Rhode
Island a delightful and meaningful experience.
So, we are really grateful for the opportunity to participate today and
for the grants as well. So, thanks
Michael Morris: Kathleen, thank you for your
presentation. A question for you is
with the resource specialist positions, are those individuals actually in the
Kathleen Partington: Yes they are.
Michael Morris: And how
would a person, a potential job seeker, would they need to self identify or
what would be the possible ways that they might come into play in terms of
helping a job seeker with a disability?
Kathleen Partington: In many instances that's what it is,
they self identify or through a partner organization in the One-Stops, they are
referred to the disability resource specialist. We have also been out in our road shows talking about the fact
that we have these folks in the centers and they are getting a lot of referrals
from local organizations from our Community Mental Health Centers who are
referring directly to the staff. We've
hired the staff; they started working on Jan. 28th. They themselves, a couple of them do have
experience-serving people with disabilities.
We were fortunate to be able to for the first time, in a long time hire
outside of our state system. They've
been very successful so far. They've
got a lot to learn. It is a very
complicated system. But in some terms
they are self-identifying and others it is referrals from partner
organizations. They just participated
it the immersion training that I talked about yesterday and today, so they are
really just getting known by the organizations that serve people with
disabilities, so we hope that a lot of referrals will come from that as well.
Michael Morris: As part of their job
description, do they also have time or make part of their responsibilities
going out and talking to community based groups.
Kathleen Partington: Yes, that's a very important part of their function and
their important part of the marketing strategy as well for them to be out
selling the Network Rhode Island system for our customers with
disabilities. Explaining what we do and
getting referrals in that regard as well.
Michael Morris: Great. Let me just turn to either Lisa or Hazel or Michelle, is there
any question that you might want to ask at this point to Kathleen?
Lisa Pote: Yes, I have
one in Nashville. This is Lisa
Pote. Kathleen, is that employer
network piece specifically for job seekers with disabilities or for all?
Kathleen Partington: No, I am glad you said that. That's a really, really good question. No it is really for serving the employer
community in general, but what's interesting is that this grant really was the
impetus to get us all back together again.
And of the 42 or so organizations that have signed on, I would say
almost a majority of them are organizations who serve people with
disabilities. I think that is the way
we started out, but it is to serve the entire employer community and job seekers
as well, and not just people with disabilities. But it was the impetus to move us forward.
Michael Morris: Michelle, any questions?
Michelle Morehouse: I guess the
only thing I thought of was, and I am sorry if I missed this, if you mentioned
it, but how will that Employment Service Network, how was that going to play a
role in the Ticket, Ticket to Work, when that rolls out. Has that rolled out in Rhode Island?
Kathleen Partington: No, no not yet. I think we are a third round state for Ticket
to Work, so we haven't gotten to that point yet. An Employer Service Network is not like a network I think under
the Ticket to Work. It really is a type
of organization more than an identified network.
Michelle Morehouse: Sure. I just didn't know if you anticipated kind
of marketing employment network as a role through the ticket with those people
you are already working with.
Kathleen Partington: No, but it is a good idea Michelle.
Michelle Morehouse: Thank you.
Kathleen Partington: Why don't you come over so you can do
that for us?
Michael Morris: Okay. Thank you very much Kathy and let me move to our third
group. The first two projects you heard
from were statewide projects in Alaska and Rhode Island. Our third project is working at a local
Workforce Investment area level. Again,
it is one of our first round Work Incentive Grantees in Nashville, TN. What we have for you are two of the lead
staff in that project with the National Career Advancement Center is Lisa
Pote and Hazel Coleman. Let me turn it over to you.
Hazel Coleman: Hi this is Hazel and I am going
to begin the first part of the presentation.
I wish to give you information on NCAC as well as our Work Incentive
Grant and then Lisa will follow up reviewing the service coordination and the
global coordination issues.
NCAC or the National Career
Advancement Center is a metro center agency.
We receive federal employment related funding and we are comprised of a
four county region in Tennessee. We
are responsible for three One-Stop and two satellite locations. The two satellite locations, one is located
in the enterprise zone, which is located in the public housing areas and it
helps us to reach out to more of our hard to serve customers. The second
satellite is located in the Opry-Mill shopping
mall. The Mill's mall consists of about
200 shopping centers. NCAC is the
operating entity for the Work Incentive Grant, which we call Career Access
Network, or CAN.
Moving on to our coordinating
strategies, the one that we think is the biggest and most successful would be
our Special Service Facilitators. The
key to the Special Service Facilitator is actually connecting our customers
with disabilities to a One-Stop center and actually having them receive the WIA
services. If you get a copy of the
document that's downloaded on the Internet, you would see the Special Service
Facilitator and an arrow shooting out to several of the resources on the side. The first one would be the WIA career center
services. The Special Service
Facilitator acts as a gatekeeper to those services. It assists customers through the different services within WIAs,
since WIA is a self-directed system. A
lot of people with disabilities do not feel comfortable assessing the services
in the WIA services.
The facilitator also acts as a
resource to Voc Rehab as actually getting our customers in, scheduling
appointments and usually it takes a day or two but they are in and they see
Gwen, our VR specialist and go from there.
They are familiar with the disability assessments. Our grant provides assessment to those
individuals whose medical records are outdated. They cannot actually recommend that a customer get an
assessment. That is up to the VR
specialist and what she determines.
They also serve as the middle persons to the benefits counselor. The customer comes in and they need more
information on actually SSI or working and trying to receive federal funds at
the same time. The benefits specialist
is here to two days a week and she also services in that area.
The Special Service Facilitator,
the facilitator gets a great deal of their work is done in the community
networking with other community agencies.
So, if they need other information, that is not employment related, we
are able to send them out to those different kinds of agencies. The facilitators actually access the middle
person with the family service counselors.
They have a good rapport and its someone they need sent in the
facilitator will meet and greet that person at the door and get them through
the proper services. We also have a
senior facilitator who is responsible for the ADA advocacy information. They provide sensitivity training and ADA
training to employers as well as ADA technical assistance to those employees
The second diagram is actually the
customer service chart and what the customer goes through and how the
facilitator assists them in their pathway.
I am sorry the second one is the first customer service chart. I'm not going to go to great detail with
this chart, but this chart was actually developed at the beginning of the grant
and it shows how everyone needs to go back and revisit their policies and
procedures and evaluate and make sure that the customers are being served in an
effective way. As you can see, we've
made a lot of changes from the first one to the second one. The second one, whether a customer is a
current customer or a new customer who is referred from a community agency or a
self-referral, they go through the same process. The first person they will see would be the person at the front
end. We have signs posted that say if
you have a disability or a health problem, see a Special Service Facilitator. So, if they would like to see someone in our
WIA Grant, the facilitators are there to help them. Once the facilitator sits down, gives them an overview of our
program, as basic customer profile sheet is taken. Basic information, name, address, where they were referred from
and what referrals that we made.
That information is put into a
database and we are able to receive at the end of the month the customer
serviced how many people went through WIA, how many people actually got
assistance through our training. Once
the customer assists with the facilitator, if he determines that the
information he needs is not employment related, than we can refer them
out. Sometimes they need information on
transportation, housing, counseling, whatever it is, we are able to send them
out, or refer them out to outside services.
If they do have employment needs, then the facilitator will develop a
path for them. We can either refer them
to VR; we can refer them straight to WIA services. If a person wants to see VR and we don’t think they are eligible,
we still go ahead and send them to VR.
The VR counselor at that time will determine if they are eligible. Maybe they need an assessment, maybe they
are already eligible, but whatever she decides, but she develops a career
strategy plan for there and nine times out of ten, she rolls them into the WIA
services. So that's really the main
reason why at least 20 to 25 of our customers are receiving the individual
training, because we co-locate them in VR and WIA services.
Once they are referred to VR, if
they are not eligible, then they will automatically receive the WIA core
services if that's what they are wanting.
They can receive the core services, the registered services or the
intensive services and onto the ITA if necessary, but that is the basic flow of
our customer service facilitator.
We think that is the key component
in integrating our services with the WIA services and it has been highly
effective. We have served over 875
people as of today and 32 are in the ITA.
So, we are very proud of our facilitator.
Lisa is going to come and talk at
this time and talk about some of the global and service coordination's within
the grant.
Lisa Pote: I am going to go ahead
and go through my part, unless you want to break in and ask Hazel questions
Michael Morris: No, no. Go ahead.
Lisa Pote: I get to do global,
which I am much more comfortable with.
Hazel obviously has her hands on the day-to-day apparatus with our
program. We are the National Career
Advancement Center and weren't nearly as forward thinking as Kathleen way in
Rhode Island about individuals with disabilities. When we wrote for the Work Incentive Grant, we were still
struggling with WIA and making that transition with WIA. So, we are familiar with the wide range, we
talked about coordination and collaboration.
I think that when we wrote the grant we were more around
co-location. We were all learning to
work and live together, all the mandated
partners. We wrote for the grant
because we saw that there was such a huge gap and need for the individuals that
were moving throughout the system that had disabilities. Really, the way that that was indicated to
us was because we really weren't seeing a whole lot of individuals with
disabilities through the system.
So, if you look at the first part
for me, the successful coordination piece from the systems perspective, I've
outlined some very, very clear simple things that we went through when looking
at how we were going to implement this grant and some things that we learned
from that. First of all, when we
started writing for this grant, we identified partners because we were more or
less clueless about how to serve individuals with disabilities through the
system. So, in terms of identifying
partners as you all moved forward in implementing your grants and some of you,
I'm preaching to the choir here, you've done what we've done in Nashville. You looked to the ones you know, you looked
to the partners you've got. I mean first
of all, if you are local Workforce Development Area, you've got mandated partners. Beyond that, you want to look to the people
who are unorthodox partners because they are the ones that have the
know-how. Those are the people that you
bring to the table. We have some very
wonderful partners in Nashville. The
Center for Independent Living, the IAM Cares Organization, here the State Centers for Independent Living. We went to them first and they really helped
us to create, and design and model for services through here.
One thing that we learned about
that I have as a second bullet, is make sure as you move forward in your
collaborative efforts that you train on the rules and regulations governing the
services of your partners. You really
can't establish a service coordination plan until you know how or why your
partners delivered their services. I
think that's critically important. I
think bringing everybody to the table is really great, but I think that making
sure that you know what their ultimate goals are is the best place to
start. It is sort of like; everybody
pulls up to the table and dumps out their pockets. We are all looking at each other and saying what do you have,
what do you have, what do you have to do that will help me to understand what
we have to do a little bit better. A
part of that is understanding the outcomes that each of the partners are trying
to reach. That really is critically
important because in the end that little--I call it the devil you know, really
does help you design your program services better.
There's a big difference between
the foundational funding that we all have and the grant funding that tries to
help us to fill the gaps of the services.
In the end the foundational funding drives the car. For example, in our case Workforce
Investment Act funds drive the car.
Everything else on the side comes on board, but in the end, the WIA
outcomes are ultimate outcomes. They
are the ones we are being judged on. VR
has their outcomes. All of our partners
have their own outcomes. So, it's
really important to understand that, otherwise you can create a wonderful
system and people really won't do what they say they are going to do because
they are still driving to get to another piece. You want to look at areas of integration. You want to step to the strength and
weaknesses of the partner. For example,
in terms of coordinating day to day with WIA, and VR or Voc Rehab system in
Tennessee is on an order of selection so they cannot serve certain individuals
who don't meet the criteria for order of selection. In that case what we do is, what Hazel said is true, Gwen really
does refer those individuals back through the WIA system and then we get them
connected with additional providers outside to provide support ongoing.
You want to formalize the
processes and get things down on paper as best you possibly can. Who's job is it to do what? You'll see from what we downloaded for the
presentation today that we believe whole heatedly in the flow chart process. When Hazel and I went back and reviewed the
flowchart that we planned, it was very simplistic really when we wrote for the
grant it has changed a great deal. We
sit with our partners and we what do you do?
Well, what do you do? When does
that happen? Then, where do people fall
out? How do people fall out? Make sure that everybody understands their
part of the deal, what they are responsible for. Then you want to reinforce those with very clear contracts. And I say this, the more clarification the
better. The ownership, if people don't
own thing with everybody's job, they are nobody's job and things don't
happen. It's really important, not just
who does what, but what pays for what.
Michael talked about the cost allocation process in our case. We do a lot of leveraging against each other
straight on down the line. Someone's in
VR, they are getting VR services. They
are in WIA. WIA follows those
services. We charge off according to
which way the customer goes. The more
clarification you can get the better.
Then ongoing, if you want to
review for processes for quality, it is really critically important that you do
that on a continuous basis. To look at
what did you miss? I can give you an
example of that. We thought all along,
we had an outrageous WIA co-enrollment number.
We had served at some point, 700 people and over 500 of them were
co-enrolled into WIA. That wasn't in
the case when we went back and looked in our numbers. What was happening was we were referring people to WIA and they
were using our resource center and thinking that they were enrolled into
WIA. That's a very simple process
issue. That's about explaining what the
next hook up point is for that person.
So, it is that kind of ongoing review of the process that helps keep you
sharp. Also, we want to include
customers in that review. All different
kinds of customers, not just the customers we serve, but also our internal
referral sources, our external referrals sources. How is it working for you and for your customers?
The next page that we had up was
some of the successes of our coordination.
In terms of the high touch staff that we have in the front end, which
many of you have already figured this into the design of your programs. That really is it. That is the winningest part of our strategy at this point. We want to make sure that we take advantage
of that for as long as we possibly can.
Because, not only is it the high touch in the front end, it is the
intentional connections, to outside of the agency, to outside of your typical
referral systems that keeps your coordination meaningful to partners outside of
the Workforce Development system. For
example, our connection with the Drug Corp, and with our TANF population and
with our public housing residence with our Tennessee School for the Blind, with
our Tennessee Rehabilitation Center. We
have ongoing partnerships with the public schools. We are going to begin with our Youth in Transitional
classes. While you have the funding, do
the most you can with it to coordinate with outside partners as best you
can. We are really starting to beef up
our coordination with Youth Services as well.
In terms of the last piece for me,
around the lessons learned. Don't
assume for system changes. You've got
to really make them happen on paper and through process. If you really think that something is going
to happen, chances are it probably won't.
That's the different between coordination and collaboration. That if everybody is doing what they say
they are going to do it is happening for a reason. You want to reinforce that formally. I agree with something Michelle said also. I wrote down education and communication is
critical between One-Stop staff and other staff, contract staff to facilitate
integration. I don't know about our
other panel partners today, but I have learned that our Workforce system has
it's own personality. It has it's own
set of personalities within that personality.
So, it's really important to continue to education that comes on board
from the "outside" into what that personality is. Because that keeps them included, it keeps
misunderstandings from happening. It is
not just about us learning about the disability community. It is about providers of services to
individuals with disabilities learning about our systems so that they can
access us better even after the grant is gone. We really do have to appreciate
the strength and weaknesses of all the partners involved. It's really ok to pull up to a table and
say, you know, I do not know how to do that.
Can you explain that acronym to me?
We need to work through these differences. That's really important, because then you can really get to how
to best serve the customer. We really
believe that's been successful for us in Nashville. It has been an ongoing learning experience going back and
revisiting that.
My last and I guess final piece
that I want to share in terms of the importance, of and what makes the
collaborative relationship so important is that if you can find the shared
vision then anything is possible. What
we've learned with this funding is that in order to really create a meaningful
entryway for job seekers with disabilities into our system, every partner,
every typical partner, every unorthodox partner has to believe that it can be
possible to do that. It has to believe
in the ultimate, the ultimate belief that every job seeker, regardless of
whether they have disabilities or not, must have access to the services that
our public dollars pay for. That
vision, if you can keep coming back to it, it will make you rise above a lot of
personality stuff and a lot of integration issues. I just think that it just calls us to good. It calls us to better. I think that doing that just helps to kind
of overcome all the differences that can come about.
So, I think that's our piece Michael.
Michael Morris: Thank you Lisa and Hazel. I'm looking at the time, and I think rather
than my asking questions or turning to Kathy or Michelle, I want to go back to
the moderator who can explain to those listening across the country, how to be
able queue up to ask a question. So,
moderator can you help us?
Moderator: If
you have a question at this time, please press 1 on your touch-tone phone. If your question has been answered or you
wish to remove yourself from the queue, please press #. One moment for questions.
And our first question is from Susan
Susan Beavers: Hi, my name is Susan Beavers and
I work under a Workforce Investment grant that was awarded to Goodwill
Pittsburgh on behalf of five area WIB boards in western Pennsylvania and the
six northern counties of West Virginia.
I don't have a question, but I
have two comments to make. One is, a
personal comment. It may be a popular
view or politically correct view, but I found this discussion very, very
interesting because I feel very personally that collaboration is the key to
quality services that we provide to consumers.
I see a lot in our area, a lot of agencies struggling and spending a lot
of time to increase their individual fundings.
Whereas in the day when fundings are decreasing, that a collaborative
effort, if we all as agencies collaborated and looked at services, like Lisa
just talked about. Everybody brings
something very positive to the table and we all have our strengths and
weaknesses. If we can combine those,
coming from a counseling background in the systems theory, just that the system
is greater, far greater than the sum of its parts. So, for me, the idea of collaboration is the key to quality
My second comment is that I live
in Ohio and I am a member of the Consumer Advisory Committee. As a consumer for the Division of
Rehabilitation Services where the consumers are very empowered. The Consumer Advisory Committees are very
well respected and very much have a part in the say of the administration of
the Division of Rehabilitation Services.
In our area, the southeast area of Ohio, we are taking an initiative
with employers to do just basically start out with some windmills training,
just to do some disability etiquette kind of training with the thought that we
will progress from there. We are
looking at collaborations between of course the Division of Rehabilitation
Services. We are going to approach the
One-Stop; I mean what better resource for employers for us. Then we are going to look at a lead employer
in the area to help us establish this and get it going. Our plan is to do something to begin this in
October. So, I think this is a very
unique group taking an initiative and then collaborating services and I am very
excited about that.
Michael Morris: Well, thank you for sharing that
with all of us. Any of the panel, any
Susan Beavers: And, Michelle I wanted to thank
you for the idea of the passport and also the Survivor game are great. I am looking forward to using those
Michelle Morehouse: If I could just
mention Michael, I also have a really groovy brochure that was put together for
the job survival challenge for the job-fair that I'd be happy to e-mail out to
people. So, can I get my e-mail on the web
page or something?
Michael Morris: Sure, and could you also share
that with us, because we would love to put that up on the website for people
who will visit the site later.
Michelle Morehouse: You bet.
Lisa Pote: Hi Susan,
this is Lisa in Nashville.
Susan Beavers: Hi Lisa.
Lisa Pote: One
of the initiatives that our grant pays for is doing sensitivity training with
employers. You probably might want to
hook up with Hazel later on and we will have our contact information posted so
that you can talk to her about that. We
have done an employer forum. We did it
earlier in the spring. Really it was to
talk about fear that have come out of the ADA and experiences around hiring and
to promote the hiring of individuals with disabilities and we are planning a
big 'ole huge forum in the fall very similar to that. So, you may want to give her a call later offline and find out
more about that.
Susan Beavers: Ok, great, thank you.
Michael Morris: Can we go moderator to the next
Moderator: Once again, if you do have a
question, please press one. One moment
for questions.
And our next question is from
Richard Sanders.
Richard Sanders: Yes, hi this is Rich Sanders up in
Alaska. I am with the Work Incentive
Grant with Michelle. I had a question
for the folks down there in Tennessee.
Regarding the Special Services Facilitator. That looks like a great way of working that. One of my questions is, is that a
sustainable system when the grant is done.
Is there someone who has been designated to build that position or are
they being trained in that. Also, has
anybody expressed any concerns about being kind of shall I say, funneled to one
person when they have a disability?
Because I know that was kind of a concern with some people about making
it all-inclusive, all the time for everybody?
Hazel Coleman: Our Special
Services Facilitator one the front end, they are there to assist the customers
with disability, but we do train the staff at the front also to assist those
customers too. So, when the grant is
over, when someone walks in, they are able to assist those customers just as
Richard Sanders: That's great.
Lisa Pote: And your second question
was about…?
Michael Morris: The second part of the question
was, and it was a good one, once the grant is over, is there any way, or have
you looked ahead as to how those positions might be permanently integrated into
the service delivery system?
Lisa Pote: Ok,
I think I got my first questions and my second questions mixed up. I think Hazel addresses the ongoing piece of
it. There are actually two aspects of
that. Our staff will be better
trained. It is possible that we are going
to go after United Way funding to get outside staff co-located with us ongoing
to cover that front end that covers a greater variety of expertise. That's sort of on the fringes of my
mind. But in terms of customers feeling
like they were being taken out of the regular process coming in. As a general, we've never heard of
complaints ever from somebody going to someone inside from outside of the
process. I don't think that they know
that they are. That's why we didn't
call them disability coordinators or whatever.
We've sort of build our Special Service Facilitators as someone that
would help anyone with more additional needs moving through. So, I think that's part of the success of
that position.
Richard Sanders: That's great thanks.
Michael Morris: Ok, we'll go back to our
moderator and any other questions.
Moderator: Our next question is from
Nicholas Rose.
Nicholas Rose: Hi, this is actually Pat
Dowse from the New York State Rehabilitation
Association. I was interested to hear
from any of the presenters in respect to with the collaboration efforts that
you've actually made. How much was
actually done in-house vs. actual hired consultants that were brought into work
with your different partners in helping them come into one vision of
collaboration amongst all services?
Michael Morris: Ok, maybe we will try everyone
on this. How about Michelle in Alaska
Michelle Morehouse: Yeah, I would have to say
the bulk of it has been done in-house.
There has been some larger job center wide collaboration
conferences. One in particular that I'm
thinking of right now that was heard by Vocational Rehabilitation. But as far as our grant specific efforts an
the different thing s that I talked about, those have all been things that
we've been involved in in-house.
Michael Morris: How about in Rhode Island?
Kathleen Partington: What we did, under the One-Stop grant, we had hired consultants to come in
when we first brought all the partners together and they worked with us for
months at the steering committee level.
That's what really brought us all together in the beginning, but under
the TWWIIA grants, it's mostly been done
Michael Morris: Ok, in Nashville?
Lisa Pote: We
never had an outside consultant come in.
We own our all our mistakes.
(laughter) it was just us and all of our accomplishments. We really had some really extraordinary
partners and so we were fortunate to be able to just work through issues as
they arose.
Michael Morris: Great, thank you. Back to the moderator.
Moderator: And I am showing no
further questions at this time.
Michael Morris: Ok, well I have a few. Let me several to our panel.
First one is a topic that really
didn't come up today and yet is also an area interest and engagement of
One-Stop centers across the country.
That has to do with youth activities.
I wondered whether any of your activities or these three projects are
actually working on coordination with the improved access to youth services
that are being funded through the local Workforce Investment Boards.
Hazel Coleman: This is
Hazel in Nashville. We have just begun
to scratch the surface on that issue.
Last spring we did have a group of transitional students here to do a
job readiness training and we introduced them to the One-Stop and allowed them
to use the computers and go through that process. We have modified our budget to actually have someone to work with
youth. So, starting August, hopefully
we will get them in this summer and we can do more so that we will be able to
elaborate a little more on that, in that area.
Michael Morris: Great. Anything in Rhode Island or Alaska, that working on youth level
Kathleen Partington: Yes, in Rhode Island, very similar to
Hazel, which is scratching the surface over the last several years, we've done
a lot with in school students and special education students in programs within
the schools. On the steering committee
of these grants, we have included a representative from the Department of
Education who has been an intricate member of that group in transitioning on in
school students, transitioning them out of school and work and how we are going
to coordinate the grants with that. He
just did a fabulous presentation to our group yesterday. We are still learning his world too, so that's
kind of where we are with that, just at the beginning.
Michael Morris: In Alaska?
Michelle Morehouse: Yeah,
we've actually done several different things just on a kind of localized level,
the different resources specialists were involved in last year's Disability
Mentoring Day in getting folks, youth with disabilities transitions students
hooked up with business to experience a day at work with them. It was a pretty good success and we're
looking at ways of doing that again this year. Perhaps a little differently
than we did last year, but definitely working with those youth and getting them
in with business folks.
The other thing is one of the
grant coordinator for the RSA Systems Change Grant has a seat on the youth
council of the Anchorage Workforce Investment area of the board, of the youth
council of that board so she is sure to infuse disability type issues into the
overall web youth council.
We've also done on a local level
with al the resource specialists a lot of outreach to the schools in
encouraging the schools to come in and try out the resource room. We held a meeting of all the transition
coordinators at one of the job centers so that they could be introduced to the
different services that are available there.
Then, also just the outreach to the schools explaining what the job
center services are, explaining DBR services and that kind of thing. It has been successful.
Michael Morris: Great. Let me turn to a different area for a moment. At a local level there is, I think in
increasing interest to look at ways that Individuals Training Accounts or ITA’s
can be used for individuals with disabilities.
Particularly looking on the issue of coordination or collaboration,
seeing some beginning evidence of Vocational Rehabilitation and the One-Stop
system co-funding and individual.
Paying for different things, but in support of a person's goals in terms
of skills development and hopefully seeking employment. I was curious as to with each of your
projects, do any of you have any experience with that in terms of use of the
ITA’s and then coordinated funding between the two partners?
Kathleen Partington: In Rhode Island Mike, we've been doing
that, leveraging funds. We have ORS staff who are partner staff
in the Network Rhode Island system and they have been leveraging both ORS
dollars and WIA dollars for customers with disabilities. Then, whatever supportive service is the
advantage there is the money that can be used from ORS for supportive service
needs for disabilities in training.
Michael Morris: Great, how about in Nashville?
Lisa Pote: I
don't know that we have information on that Michael. We haven't really compared the people that we know that are ITA’s
whether or not VR is kicking into the ones that we have in our system. We will need to check on that.
Michael Morris: And in Alaska?
Michelle Morehouse: We're also just
kind of scratching the surface on that.
I definitely know that on a local level there's a lot of cost sharing
going on in serving people that use the job centers both with disabilities,
sharing costs with VR and different agencies.
AS far as specific to the ITA’s, the Alaska Works Initiative recently
hosted a policy summit that brought together people to talk about specific
policy issues that we really need to look at.
One of the things that was talked about during that policy summit in the
One-Stop job center focus group was ITA’s and the use of ITA’s. We had a staff there from the Workforce
Development program and the findings and the suggestions from that policy
summit which was to make sure that folks with disabilities are able to use
those ITA’s will be presented in short order to a larger group of policy makers
for the job centers.
Michael Morris: Let me go back to the moderator
for a second. Are there any other
questions lined up.
Moderator: I
am showing no questions at this time.
Michael Morris: I think what
we will do is come back through our panel.
Perhaps I know each of your I know talked about different things that
you've asked people to perhaps get in touch with you directly. So, maybe starting with Michelle, do you
want to offer an e-mail address or some contact information?
Michelle Morehouse: Sure. I'll give e-mail and phone. My e-mail address is Phone
number is area code 907-269-3557.
Michael Morris: Ok, thank
you Michelle, but probably for people on the eastern seaboard, what is the time
hour difference from east to Alaska?
Michelle Morehouse: Well, although
our son is coming at 4:30, I am not up then, so please don't call until we are
four hours earlier than you guys.
Michael Morris: Ok, that's good for people to
keep in mind. Ok, Kathleen in Rhode Island?
Kathleen Partington: Yeah, I can be reached by e-mail
address. It is and my telephone number is area code
Michael Morris: Great. In Nashville?
Hazel Coleman: This is
Hazel, my e-mail is
Lisa's is the same.
Lisa Pote: So, it's lisa.pote@.
Hazel Coleman: They know
Lisa Pote: All right.
Hazel Coleman: Our number is 615-862-8890. My
extension is 356 and Lisa's ext. is 277.
Michael Morris: Ok, thank you.
Well, let me wrap up this
session. I want to thank all of our
panelists for the breath and varied information. The scope of it was wonderful.
I think you have given the audience a lot of ideas and strategies and
I'm sure that people will be further in touch and contact with you to pursue
some further details.
I want to thank the Department of
Education and the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
NIDDR, as well as the Employment and Training Administration at the US Department
of Labor for help on underwriting the cost of this audio-conference series.
For those of you who are
interested in our last conference call in the series, it will be next month on
June 25. The topic will be Medicaid buy
in, current state experiences. It will
be lead by Alan Jenson, who is another member of our research and training
team. It will include representatives from state experiences in Connecticut,
Wisconsin and Oregon. You can find out
more information about how to register for that call in July. July 25, I think I may have said June 25th,
July 25th by checking at the University of Iowa website
Again, I appreciate all of the
presentations and look forward to learning more about everyone's experiences
across the country about improving coordination between multiple service
delivery systems and agencies, both in the public and private sector. I think this call today has given everyone
some wonderful ideas or strategies that are in development. Some strategies that are already working and
look forward to learning more about the successes that we are having in
assisting and supporting job seekers with disabilities through the Workforce
Investment System. So, thank you all
and have a good afternoon.