2002 Leadership Challenges on Employment Policy
Audio Conference Series - July 25, 2002
Medicaid Buy-In: Current State Experiences
Featured speakers:
Moderator: Allen Jensen, Partner in RRTC
Project Director
Work Incentives Project
Center for Health Services Research and Policy
George Washington University
2021 K Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, D.C., 20006
Fax: 202-530-2376
Scott Lay
Disability Employment Policy
Senior and Disabled Services Division
Oregon Department of Human Services
500 Summer Street, NE
Salem, Oregon 97310-6453
MaryAlice Mowry
Ticket to Work Project Director
Continuing Care for Persons with Disabilities
Minnesota Department of Human Services
444 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-3872
Fax: 651-582-1808
Larry Carlson
Aged and Disability Services
Department of Social Services
25 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Fax: 860-424-4957
This presentation will discuss:
- Designing a State Comprehensive Employment Initiative for Persons with Significant Disabilities
- Guidance on Designing a Medicaid Buy In Program
States have the option under Medicaid law to establish a Medicaid Buy In program that is intended to provide continued health care coverage for persons with significant disabilities who work. By July, 2002, nearly one-half of the states will have implemented a Medicaid Buy In program. This presentation will provide information on the various experiences of states that have such a program and provide information on the characteristics of program participants.
The audio conference will provide guidance to advocates, consumers and policymakers as to the policy options and tradeoffs that must be considered in designing a Medicaid Buy In program within the fiscal restraints of State budgets related to the current Medicaid eligibility income eligibility standards in the state. The Medicaid Buy In program will be discussed as one of a number of options that a state has to consider in designing a comprehensive employment initiative for persons with significant disabilities.