2002 Leadership Challenges on Employment Policy
Audio Conference Series - February 28, 2002
Ticket to Work - Critical Challenges for all Stakeholders
Featured speakers:
Moderator: Michael Collins
Co Director and Principal Researcher
RRTC on Workforce Investment and Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities
Robert Silverstein
Director of the Center for the Study and Advancement of Disability Policy
Dan O'Brien
Director, Community Rehabilitation Services Unit
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
Peter Baird
Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Ken McGill
Associate Commissioner, Office of Employment Support Programs
Social Security Administration
Mary Satterfield
National Project Director for Ticket to Work
Maximus, Inc.
This presentation discusses:
- Ticket Regulations: Review and Analysis
- Employment Networks: A Status Report
- Outcome Based Reimbursement: Previous Lessons learned from the Oklahoma Experience
Title I of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (TWWIIA) creates a new program called the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program. The new program will enable individual recipients of SSI and SSDI to utilize a ticket to obtain vocational rehabilitation, employment services, and other support services from an Employment Network in their state approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The Employment Network may be a local service provider, the vocational rehabilitation agency, an employer, a One-Stop Center, or a group of organizations who meet eligibility criteria established by SSA. With a ticket, supports are provided based upon individual work plans developed in partnership between the ticket holder and the Employment Network. SSA pays the Network in accordance with either an outcome payment system, or an outcome payment system with partial payments according to SSA prescribed milestones being met.
In 2002, SSA has designated the first thirteen states to implement the Ticket to Work and Self Sufficiency Program. Final regulations for the Ticket were published in the Federal Register on December 28, 2001.
This audio conference archive offers a review and analysis of the new regulations, provides a status report on SSAÕs certification of Employment Networks, and provides further comment and discussion based on lessons learned from implementation of an outcome based reimbursement system pioneered by the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services. Our expert panel includes perspectives from inside and outside SSA and discusses the critical policy challenges regarding the setting of milestones, shared risk taking by SSA and Employment Networks, and implications for persons with the most significant disabilities.